Hope: It might not be my place, but if you want to talk about Denny...
Lizzie: Do you want to do Sudoku?
Hope: Fair enough.

Charmaine: Are you going to say anything, or?
Jack: How can you be so selfish?
Charmaine: All I can do, Jack, is apologize over and over.
Jack: That's not good enough.
Charmaine: I know! So go ahead, yell at me tell me what a terrible person I am.
Jack: That's not why I'm here. I'm just trying to understand. After everything I did for you and Mel too.

I know how this goes. I've played the hero before, but now I know real heroes are not well-paid, well-dressed lawyers making well-rehearsed arguments from the safety of the courtroom. Real heroes are the ones with the courage to do what's right. Who walk toward the things most people would run away from. They're the people who push past their fears. Who face the unknown. And hold onto their faith even when the deck is stacked against them. And I hope if you ever end up in my position. You hold onto your faith, too, because statistically, in a country where one in six women are sexually assaulted, and more women are killed by their domestic partners in this century than men who have died in war, someday you just might.


Here I thought I fell for James Dean not for James Bond, not that I'm complaining.


Paige: When I was with Wes, I really did believe that all men were like him. But you showed us both what a good man is that there is good out there. Thank you. Goodbye, Preacher.
Preacher: Bye, Paige.

DocL Once you let yourself see how wonderful you are the right person will see it too.
Charmaine: Thanks doc.
Doc: Never too late to start believing in yourself.

Lizzie is the most capable young woman I have ever encountered. If more young people today could be like Lizzie, I have every faith in the world for the next generation.


Brie: It's nice to see your face.
Mike: It's always nice to see yours.

Mel: Jack, what's in that direction?
Jack: that's Virgin River.

Denny: If I'm being honest, I like you a lot. And the last thing I ever want to do is to hurt you. When I came here looking for Doc, I didn't expect to find someone like you, so at the very least, I'd like for us to still be friends. Lizzie: Stop.
Denny: Um, are you sure? Because, um, I told you I don't have a future.
Lizzie: So, I thought about that, and I realized that I don't care about any of it. I like you too a lot, so can we just focus on that right now?

If karma is coming to get her like she said last night, then karma can come pick her up. As far as I'm concerned, I don't have to see that woman again.


Hey, you are a warrior of this town, Hope, when warriors get wounded, we rally around them.


Virgin River Quotes

Doc: I don’t need spice. I want to walk down the street and be able to hold your hand.
Hope: Yeah, I hate all that “coupley” crap.

Whenever things got rough my instinct was to head home because that’s where I felt safe. But I realized that the idea of home doesn’t really exist for me anymore, because you were my home.

Mel [to Mark]