Brie: I can't say it out loud.
Brady: I understand, when I first got back from Iraq, there were some nights where I was in my head and it was bad. I couldn't talk about it so I started writing stuff down.
Brie: Did it work?
Brady: Yeah. You can have someone read it, you can throw it away. Whatever you decide. And you still get the poison out.
Brie: Will you stay with me tonight?
Brady: I'm not going anywhere.

Charmaine: You're going to be a great dad, you know that?
Jack: That's nice of you to say.
Charmaine: Well, I can be nice.

Mel: Just because you're in pain it does not give you the right to try to take something that is not yours. Cassandra: Mark's heir is my flesh and blood, I believe that child should be raised at least half the time by me.

Jack: What I still don't understand is how you as the surviving parent wouldn't have full custody of the embryos. Mel: No, I do, but that doesn't mean she can't file a lawsuit.

Brie: I know going to a wedding and helping me look for Jack wasn't exactly fun.
Brady: It was fine. And at least he's okay, you know?
Brie: I just don't understand. He's always been so responsible.
Brady: That's the problem. He acts like he's untouchable, but the stuff he's seen, it's dark. It doesn't magically disappear because you pretend you have it all figured out.
Brie: How did you handle it when you got back.
Brady: Not well, I got into fights, went to jail. I didn't do it the right way, but I did let go of a lot of stuff.
Brie: I know Jack is hurting, I just don't know how to help him.
Brady: Just be there.

Brie: Brady, this isn't some vacation fling. I'm in love with you.
Brady: Right now that's true. and that's enough for me.

Brady: How did such a driven woman like you end up with such a slacker like me?
Brie: We're the perfect match. We balance each other out.

Mel: You're supposed to be spending the night at Preacher's house.
Jack: I had to see you. Mel, I'm so sorry I missed the wedding. I know how important that was to you.
Mel: Oh, okay, right. So that's what your sorry about. I thought something happened to you.
Jack: No, I'm fine.
Mel: Oh, yeah, well, clearly that's not the case.

I want you to know that I think of you as family, so I'm going to be straight with you. Work out your issues. Find out what's going on up here.


Jack: At least everything is okay now.
Mel: You think everything's okay?
Jack: Yeah, that's what Doc said.
Mel: He was talking about the baby.
Jack: And you were talking about...
Mel: You were passed out.
Jack: I was asleep.
Mel: Jack, I thought I was having a miscarriage, and I thought I would have to drive myself to the hospital.

Mel: I don't think that you're being honest with yourself.
Jack: Okay.
Mel: You keep telling yourself that if you just work harder, that you can handle everything with Lonergan, and fighting with Charmaine and Todd, and having to make more money for a baby you didn't expect.
Jack: Well, I can. I mean, I am.
Mel: Yeah, well, by self-medicating.
Jack: No, that's not what I'm doing, but um, okay. Look, if it bothers you that much, then I'll stop drinking. Mel: You will?
Jack: Mhmm. Yeah.
Mel: Okay, great. You know, with alcohol abuse, it's really just a symptom you need to find out where the pain is coming from.
Jack: Okay, but right now, this is what I can do, okay? And if it's not enough...
Mel: Honey, it's not about being enough. And I just, I don't want you to do this for me, I want you to do this for you.
Jack: Everything I do is for us.

I thought at this stage of my life, I'd at least have a plus one. I know it makes me sound like a sap, but I want what they have. the chance to build a life with someone.


Virgin River Quotes

Doc: I don’t need spice. I want to walk down the street and be able to hold your hand.
Hope: Yeah, I hate all that “coupley” crap.

Whenever things got rough my instinct was to head home because that’s where I felt safe. But I realized that the idea of home doesn’t really exist for me anymore, because you were my home.

Mel [to Mark]