Children, don't fight. I can be both a d-bag and insane.


Pete: Let me guess, you speak Latin too.
Myka: Okay. Make one more nerd joke and I'm going to point out how you're losing your hair.

Artie: You're lucky I have an emergency travel kit in the trunk of my car.
Claudia: Well, "Serendipity" is my stripper name.

Artie: Just... you know, just to clarify, you decided to re-create a clearly dangerous, potentially deadly experiment?
Claudia: Oh, sure, it sounds bad when you say it like that.

Myka: Mrs. Frederic said we should stay here.
Pete: Really? I didn't hear that.
Myka: Neither did I.

Pete: My sister taught me how to read lips.
Myka: Why does your sister...?
Pete: Uh, the deaf find it handy.

Myka: Sleep. You look... you look terrible.
Artie: Thank you very much. You still have some monkey phlegm in your hair.
Myka: It's not phlegm...

Pete: No more zoos, okay? From now on, if an artifact is at a zoo, we leave it there.
Myka: Monkeys spit. Artie, do you know that? They.. they spit, and it is not pleasant.

You know, if you were gonna ask me how I would die, I would say that being beaten to death by my partner would be really low on the list.


Father Braid: Are you saying this chair caused all this?
Pete: I know. It's freaky. This stuff is always freaky.

Myka: I told him it wasn't the watch. I told you it wasn't the watch.
Pete: That's not annoying at all.

Pete: What am I looking for?
Artie: Anything that might cause an electrical or chemical imbalance in the brain.
Pete: Oh, well, so a brain imblancer. That's easy. It's probably right next to his time travel machine.