Kerry: How low are the supplies?
Theo: It's not an exaggeration to say that people could soon be dying of a sinus infection.

Megan: I heard you wanted to call it off. Why? I thought you loved her.
Adam: That doesn't make it right.

I believe the flood is coming, Rebecca. It will make all things new. We need an ark. I need you to design it.


Theo: You said "she," how do you know that?
Kerry: It doesn't take a gynecologist, Dr. Yedlin.

Rebecca: The fence is secure.
Jason: What if you're wrong?
Rebecca: Then we're dead.

Pines have a life expectancy of over five thousand years. It's a terrible thing to have to outlive everything around you isn't it?


Adam: Got a shovel handy? Because I can help you dig some graves.
CJ: Is that why you came back? To preach the end of the world? 'Cause none of us intend to die out here.
Adam: When they come, it won't matter.

You son of a bitch. You sent Ethan here. You knew all along, didn't you? You were working with Pilcher, and you knew about this place and you were in on it. My family is all gone because of you. We trusted you.


Every time one thing here seems almost rational, two things pop up that make absolutely no sense at all.


Rebecca: You do realize you're asking children to bear children?
Megan: It's a survival strategy used by numerous societies.
Rebecca: Primitive societies, Megan. These girls should have a choice.

I saw them making ladders with their bodies. That's problem solving, it's social structure. They're willing to sacrifice themselves. You're underestimating them. You're putting your people at risk.


I worry about all of them. They keep me up at night. And I'm willing to do whatever it takes to protect them. I make the tough choices. Would you?


Wayward Pines Season 2 Quotes

Routine is the building block of happiness, that's what Pilcher says right?


Well doc, if you had a chance to save a thousand people at once, put them down, and then wake them up, through some magic procedure that you believed in and knew how to make it work, you'd do it right?
