Lucas: I'm sorry that your dad is in trouble. It can't be easy.
Nathan: I'm used to it.

Life is a journey, defined not by the destination but by the company that we keep.


Bill: By the way, if you want a good meal, I recommend the cafe.
Lucas: Really?
Bill: Unless you want to take your chances and eat here.

Nathan: I see you're throwing a party.
Lucas: I would invite you, but I know how you disdain the company of reprobates such as myself.

Faith, you would be an excellent head nurse, but you would be a brilliant doctor. You have choices.


Nathan: Allie, I don't want you to get hurt that way that we did.
Allie: The difference is that I have you to look out for me.

I don't need your money. I need my family.


Jesse: Clara wants to have our wedding down by the pond.
Rosemary: Jesse. Think carefully about that. It's so damp down there, and mucky. The things that could go wrong. What if it rains?
Jesse: Still, I kind of like the pond idea.
Clara: Me, too. I can't think of anything more perfect.
Jesse: The bride has spoken.

I remember sitting with her when she read manuscripts. She would quote Benjamin Franklin. "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing."


Carson: There's something I need to tell you that I haven't said yet. I want you to hear what I have to say loud and clear.
Faith: OK.
Carson: I love you, Faith Carter. You have to choose what's right for you, but I just hope that choice includes me.
Faith: I love you, too!

Rosemary: Oh, Lee. You are the best husband ever.
Leland: Well, I don't know about that, but if I am, it's because of you. Happy anniversary, sweetheart.

Elizabeth: Apparently, the best writing comes right from the heart.
Nathan: So, what's in your heart? You let me know when you figure it out.

When Calls the Heart Season 7 Quotes

I'm like that. When it's right, you can just feel it.


Lucas: I also believe in making things happen.
Carson: Well, mistletoe is a good place to start, especially if you hope to find someone special under it.