Last time you were in a judge's chamber you jumped out of the window.


Now, now I am pissed off.


My wife is inviting you to lunch - good thing is - I get to come too.


(to Neal about Peter) Do u trust your FBI buddy?


Let me leave a tip, I insist.


(to Neal) You know you do Peter Pan.


Neal: Now I find the music box..
Mozzie: And steal it? Welcome back.

Peter: There's something I need to tell you. I know what the guy wants.
Neal: What guy?
Peter: The guy in the picture with Kate. I am going to need you to listen. Kate told me and now I am going to tell you.

Cigar tube nice - FBI is breaking out the Thunder Bolts for this one.


Elizabeth: You gonna tell him that you met with Kate?
Peter: I don't think he trusts me enough. After the case, then we'll decide.

If we do business off the books, we should talk off the clocks.


(to Peter) I'm the one you can't trust? That's surprising.
