What do you mean you don't invest over the phone? The Cuban Missile crisis was handled over the phone.


Neal: I found the ring, it's Peter.
Mozzie: I'm so sorry man.

(to Peter) You are a man of many faces.


Peter: We just want to know who's behind it all.
Neal: (under his breath) So do I...
Peter: What was that?
Neal: Nothing.

A female - how'd she work her way into the boys club?


Neal: You really shouldn't drink champagne in paper cups.
Peter: You will drink it and you will like it.

Neal: Peter, I'm starting to like you again.
Peter: Oh well, then we're hanging out too much.

Elizabeth: I wanted you to have a familiar face in there.
Peter: I'll take your anytime.

I appreciate the irony here - we're looking into them and they're looking into you.


I'll admit that I have done alot of things that I am not proud of...wait, that's not true, I am proud of most things I do.


I love your alleged work - I am a big fan.


(looking around at all the models) It's just become a very beautiful crime scene.
