Girl? Do you not see this penis right here? Well actually that's a gum drop stuck in my fur.

Getting tangled up in Christmas lights IS a workout.

Your dad is just how I pictured him...pure evil. He even looks like Michael Vick.

Pumpkin? Just so I understand, your dad nicknamed his daughter after the scent of her vagina?

Katherine: It's like he's trying to sing.
Wilfred: Trying? Was Oates trying?

However I need to change, I'll change. I just can't go another two years without you in my life.


I'm gonna get a bikini wax and I want to still be a little buzzed when the lady rips it.


Ryan: He kinda reminds me of Wilfred.
Kristen: You know, you talk about Wilfred more than most people talk about their neighbors' dogs.

Let me guess. He had you kick your cousin's kid in the face with a running start, didn't he?


I've done some awful, awful things to you...registering you as a sex offender in the state of Oregon, putting fake blood stains on the ass of your shorts just before you go bike riding...

This bag is majorly cute Ryan. I can totally see you carrying that with my head sticking out the top of it.

Everyone knows store lighting can't be trusted, especially when you have a non-traditional figure.

Wilfred Quotes

Ryan: I thought it would make me sound Effete.
Wilfred: So does saying the word "effete."

Ryan: Get off.
Wilfred: I'm trying to!