Kayce: That shooting was justified.
Jamie: My office won't question it.
Kayce: Well, you should probably question it. I'm just lettin' you know what you're gonna find out.

People talk about makin' a difference, but they don't because they don't try. They don't risk. You risked -- everything. Today, you made a difference.


You know, you did something that no one does, Rip. You've outlived your past.


Monica: You're protecting me from what? After all I've seen you do? But I can't be angry because that's why I lie to you.
Kayce: What did you like about?
Monica: What did YOU lie about?
Kayce: I didn't want to tell you because it's always the same story with me. I'm always in a position when I need to kill or be killed. I mean, hell, it's my job now. I don't wanna say anything because I don't want you to think I'm a bad man, even if I think it. I don't want you to think it because if you think it, it's true.
Monica: It's been your job since I met you, Kayce, and I believe in my heart that every man you've killed has made the world a safer place. That's how I feel about the man I killed. [sobs] I killed a man today.

John: That's not the glow of a blushing bride.
Beth: Oh, Dad. The blush was fucked out of me years ago.
John: Jesus. Baby, I love our man to man talks, but we need to set some goddamned boundaries here. I can't unhear that, honey.
Beth: Well, it was a metaphor. Sorta.

Rip: I'm gettin' married.
Lloyd: Yeah, I been wonderin' what's up with you lately.
Rip: I need a best man.
Lloyd: Kayce's her brother, fixin' to be yours. You should ask him.
Rip: Mmm. Probably so. But I ain't. I'm askin' you.

John: I'm sorry, Beth.
Beth: Sorry for what?
John: That you thought you couldn't come to me. That you thought I'd be ashamed or you'd be in trouble for it or whatever you thought. I'm the one safe person in this world that you can turn to, Beth, for anything, and it breaks my heart that I didn't make you know that.
Beth: I know that now, and now is all that matters.

Hey, come here. When we get back to the ranch, I'm gonna kill you with my bare fuckin' hands. I'm gonna kill you for this.


John: You're gonna marry him, aren't ya?
Beth: Maybe. If he asks me, yes.
John: He won't ask ya, honey.
Beth: Why not?
John: Not because he doesn't want to but because he'll never ask me for your hand, and he'll never ask you without doin' that. He wouldn't want to put me in that position, even though he isn't puttin' me anywhere. He just won't do it, honey, so, if it's what you want, you're gonna have to do the askin' yourself.
Beth: Are you saying you'd be OK with that?
John: Are you asking me to be OK with it?
Beth: Can he have my hand, daddy?
John: Do you love 'im? Makes you happy?
Beth: Since the moment I met him.
John: Well, happy's all I ever wanted for you, sweetheart. You give him your hand if he gives you that.

Rip: I don't need presents, Beth. Just you.
Beth: Well, that's what it means. It means that you have me, that I'm yours. It means come live your life with me. The only thing I ask is that you outlive me so I never live another day without you.
Rip: I can try to do that.
Beth: OK. It's solved. We're getting married.
Rip: [chuckles] Married, huh?
Beth: Yeah, baby. I'm asking you to marry me. Will you do that?
Rip: I mean, I have, I'm gonna have to ask your father.
Beth: It's handled. He saved you the indignity. So, what do you say?

Rip: When the fuck did the bunkhouse become paradise island? I mean, come on, Lloyd. You gotta be kidding me.
Lloyd: She's old enough to vote and buy bullets. Don't blame me for her bad judgment.

Rip: Who is that, Jimmy?
Jimmy: That's Mia. She's my girlfriend.
Rip: This is gonna be one of those fucking days I never should have gotten out of bed. Go get your fucking ass in the truck.

Yellowstone Season 3 Quotes

Ellis: I didn't catch your name.
Kayce: That's because I didn't offer it.

Mo: How do you think this is gonna work out for him.
Rainwater: It depends on whether he's as smart as I think he is.
Mo: I watched him in a field. He had honor where most wouldn't.
Rainwater: What are you saying?
Mo: I'm saying maybe he's not the enemy we think he is.
Rainwater: When there's one thing that two men want, they can either share it or be enemies. Are you suggesting we share it?
Mo: Suggesting things isn't my job, Chairman. It's yours.