John: You're gonna marry him, aren't ya?
Beth: Maybe. If he asks me, yes.
John: He won't ask ya, honey.
Beth: Why not?
John: Not because he doesn't want to but because he'll never ask me for your hand, and he'll never ask you without doin' that. He wouldn't want to put me in that position, even though he isn't puttin' me anywhere. He just won't do it, honey, so, if it's what you want, you're gonna have to do the askin' yourself.
Beth: Are you saying you'd be OK with that?
John: Are you asking me to be OK with it?
Beth: Can he have my hand, daddy?
John: Do you love 'im? Makes you happy?
Beth: Since the moment I met him.
John: Well, happy's all I ever wanted for you, sweetheart. You give him your hand if he gives you that.

Rip: Who is that, Jimmy?
Jimmy: That's Mia. She's my girlfriend.
Rip: This is gonna be one of those fucking days I never should have gotten out of bed. Go get your fucking ass in the truck.

Jamie: I should have said no. That's what I should have done. Because then you couldn't blame me for doing exactly what you asked me to do!
Beth: I didn't ask you for a fuckin' hysterectomy. You know, when you consider the pain that you cause a person the person's fault? That's evil, Jamie.

Beth: You know what is so fuckin' dangerous about you? That you actually believe that you're helping. Like in your heart, you believe that. But you refuse to look at the results of your help. You refuse to acknowledge the carnage that your help leaves behind because, as a man, you're broken. Your soul, your mind, is broken. And it's not your fault, I guess. He made you into something you had no business being. I guess that's why he did it. But there's just no right or wrong with you. Just his approval. That's all that matters with you. That's all you are. His disapproval and how much you fear it? That is what makes you truly evil, Jamie. And you are evil. You know that? You have to know that.
Jamie: All. All I have ever tried to do is protect this family, most of the time from itself. You, more than anyone, should understand that.
Beth: I'm gonna tell you a little secret. The more you became what he wanted you to become, the more he'll hate you for it. And he does hate you for it. We all do.

Willa: You said this would be simple.
Roarke: Should've been.
Willa: Should is a useless word, almost as useless as hope.

Laramie: Can you toss me a water, babe? [Lloyd tosses her a water] Thank you, sugar.
Lloyd: [to Jimmy] Damn. Two dances, and here I am haulin' 'em to the arena, saddlin' their horses, sittin' in the bleachers watchin' 'em. Now I'm the damn buckle bunny.

Kayce: There's monsters everywhere in this world. You just gotta kill 'em when you find 'em.
Monica: You can't find 'em. Hell, they don't even have enough police to look for the victims, and here I am sittin' in this swimmin' pool of a bathtub.
Kayce: Well, you can't make it your fault, baby.
Monica: I'm not makin' it my fault; I'm makin' it my problem.
Kayce: You know we can't stop the world from bein' bad, Monica.
Monica: Doesn't mean we shouldn't try.

John: All the promises I've made in my life son. If I didn't love your mother so much, I'd break it. I swear to God, I'd break it.
Jamie: Did somethin' happen? I don't understand.
John: What happens in 30 years, Jamie? When you and your brother and your sister are too old to fight for this place, and Tate has to fight for it on his own?
Jamie: What are you, what are you talking about?
John: Lee wouldn't marry, didn't want children, and I doubt you will either. Now your sister can't. She can't because of you!

It's all for nothin'. Everything I've done, it's all for nothin'.


Beth: I made two decisions in my life based on fear, and they cost me everything.
Rip: [kisses her forehead] Hey, not everything.

Kayce: Should we join 'em?
John: I can't. I never had much luck leadin' men and bein' their friend. Maybe it can be different for you.

Fuckin' barrel racers.


Yellowstone Season 3 Quotes

Ellis: I didn't catch your name.
Kayce: That's because I didn't offer it.

Mo: How do you think this is gonna work out for him.
Rainwater: It depends on whether he's as smart as I think he is.
Mo: I watched him in a field. He had honor where most wouldn't.
Rainwater: What are you saying?
Mo: I'm saying maybe he's not the enemy we think he is.
Rainwater: When there's one thing that two men want, they can either share it or be enemies. Are you suggesting we share it?
Mo: Suggesting things isn't my job, Chairman. It's yours.