You know, the first Duttons who settled this valley, fightin's all they knew. It's how they got here, how they kept the land once they did. But today, it seems like a liability. Cowards rule the world today, Rip, with coward rules and coward customs. To succeed, all you gotta know is how to blame and how to complain. I truly believe it's the survival of the unfittest these days. You know, I always thought Beth would calm down as she got older. Every year seems like she gets wilder. Never seen anything else like it. What it must feel like to be that free. You know, I got one child I miss, one child I pity, and one I regret. That girl, that child, I envy.


Summer: How long will you be gone?
Beth: Couple of days. How you feelin'.
Summer: Like I got hit by a truck. How about you?
Beth: Like I got hit by a Prius.
Summer: I don't know what to do while he's gone. I don't know what to do when he's here.
Beth: Well, I think you got that part figured out. Why don't you take a walk around this place. Hm? You'll understand us better. Tell me if there is a forest in America in better shape or more loved. Then tell me we're the enemy.

If it doesn't make ya cry to watch your family ride away, you probably shouldn't have one.


Jamie: Boy. You have really fuckin' done it this time.
Beth: What's the big deal, Jamie? I got into a bar fight in Boseman. I mean, the Montana board of tourism should put that on fuckin' T-shirts.

Summer: Just so you know, I just went a year without sex, which is the longest since the first time I had it, and I'm still not fucking you.
John: Oh my God. Our relationship will be purely professional.

John: Horses in heaven.
Rip: That's the best I could figure it.
John: Wouldn't that be something.

Beth: I don't think they want us here.
John: Even if they don't want us, they need to know we care enough to stay.
Beth: Make me a promise. Don't ever let them do that to me. Turn me to ashes and throw me to the wind. It's all the care I want.

John: You and I are going to have a long talk later.
Beth: Yeah, well, I'm going to sleep later.
John: Well, we'll have a short one now, then. Impulse control. Find some.

Jamie: Taking you to that clinic is the greatest regret of my life!
Beth: Of all the awful shit that you have done in your 45 years on this planet, Jamie, that is, that is really saying something. What did you name him?
Jamie: He's named after me.
Beth: Of course he is. Just what the world fucking needs is another fucking you!
Jamie: Beth. Dad doesn't know about this. Nobody knows about this.
Beth: Don't worry about me tellin' him. I'm gonna take him from you. I'm gonna rob you of fatherhood, Jamie. You don't deserve it, and he deserves better than you. Next time you see him, you can kiss him goodbye because he's as good as gone.

God gave you a boy? You have my womb cut out of me, and God gave you a boy?!


Lynelle: You're the only man I know who would actually pout over winning the election that he entered.
John: I'm not pouting. Sulking maybe, but not pouting.
Lynelle: You know, this is as much your legacy as that ranch.

Here's my best advice about this job. Good governors initiate action, and bad governors spend all their time reacting. There are plenty of things to clean up besides an airport.


Yellowstone Season 5 Quotes

You may be stronger than me, but make no mistake. Men are the weaker sex.


Mo: Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
Rainwater: He'll kill the hotel and the airport. It's a good thing for the land, but I don't see how it's good for us. Not yet, anyway.