Liza: In order for me to do my job, I've had to create a relationship with Pauline, and the truth is, I like her. And I love your girls, and I am not going to be the one to stand in the way of this family getting back together.
Charles: You are confusing the book with reality.

Jay: And let it be known that I was not the first person to see your talent, but I was the first to try to poach it.
Liza: You never forget the first.

Good! Just beware of gorgeous, sunny, without a cloud in sight because that's how I ended up taking my clothes off on the roof.


Since I've met you, you've been kind of boy crazy. It's good to see you focusing on your work for a change.


Pauline: God, I am so glad Charles didn't take you off the book.
Liza: What do you mean?
Pauline: Oh, it was nothing. I'm sure it's because we're getting along too well, and he feels outnumbered.
Liza: Yeah, that must be it.

Kelsey: Liza, I'm really freaking out. Why would Josh have hit Charles?
Liza: Charles and I had a moment in the Hamptons.
Kelsey: What?!
Liza: It was just a spontaneous, irresponsible...
Kelsey: And Josh saw, and that's why he didn't propose.

You set him up with a girl and a job. Later we have to have a conversation about how not to be a doormat.


Kelsey: Did you sleep with him?
Liza: No.
Kelsey: Good. Keep it that way. I'm going to give you some advice. Sleeping with the boss doesn't end well -- for any of us.

Just so you know, I'm a jalapeno virgin.


Claire: It still looks a bit angry.
Josh: Angry?
Claire: Defeated and blotchy.

When you are in a long marriage, it's formative. You go through profound experiences together, like having children. It makes you who you are. It's like when two vines grow together and they turn into one plant. Sometimes they grow apart searching for sunlight in different directions, but there is still that part that is all twisted up together.


Pauline may have made a mess of my life, but she is not going to make a mess of us.


Younger Season 4 Quotes

Marilyn: You're a very attractive woman, and I love that necklace, and I don't care if you are transgender.
Diana: Uh, I'm not.
Marilyn: Either way, I don't care. The fact of your gender identity is irrelevant to me.
Diana: I...I'm a woman.
Marilyn: And I don't care!

And Kelsey, next to my own daughter and Maggie, you are the most precious thing in the world to me.
