Archie: Consider this a declaration of war. Leave town or the next time we meet, you won’t be driving away, you won’t even be walking. That’s a promise.
[Dodger turns around to grab a gun and Archie disappears]
Dodger: I’m not going anywhere. You’re a dead man, you hear me? You’re a dead man!

Veronica: Archie, as well as you fill them out, you’re not actually fighting crime in those tights, are you?
Archie: Of course not. I’m gonna need a mask.

Archie: What’s the haul, Ronnie?
Veronica: A little over four.
Archie: Grand? That’s great.
Veronica: Hundred, Archie. I think I overestimated the financial pull of your pectorals.
[The boys sigh]
Veronica: Hey! We’re just getting started. Maybe we could do a “Magic Mike” night at La Bonne Nuit? Or, dare I say, you boys go “The Full Monty”?
[The boys groan]
Veronica: We’ll figure something out. We always do.

Archie: You were with him when he…?
The Driver: We were working on a tire and a car … it just came out of nowhere, speeding. [Tears up] Sorry, I just … I froze and it sped and your Dad … he pushed me out of the way. He saved my life and if he hadn’t done what he did, I wouldn’t be here right now, I know that. I am so sorry! There’s nothing I can do to ever repay him, but I would like to say a prayer for him. Maybe you’d like to join me?
[The driver conducts a prayer holding hands with Archie, Veronica, Jughead, and Betty.]

Jughead: And if anyone is scared of bears, well don’t be because Archie’s been attacked by, like what, multiple times and still survived? [Laughs]
Archie: Hey. I wear my scars proudly.

Archie: I have to go get my dad.
Veronica: What? What do you mean?
Archie: I have to bring him home.

Betty: Kevin...
Kevin: They left me. I wanted to go, but they said that somebody had to stay behind to explain what happened.
Archie: And what did happen?
Kevin: The worthy ascended, of course.
Betty: Who did? Where’s my mom and Polly?
Kevin: Gone. Everyone is, and we’ll never see them again.

Mary: So, you and Veronica are quite the dynamic duo. Are you?
Archie: I don’t know. Sometimes it feels like we’re going to get back together, but then...
Mary: Personally, I think you’re endgame.
Archie: Endgame?
Mary: Oh yeah, but it doesn’t really matter what I think. Maybe you should ask her what she thinks?

Mary: Archie...
Archie: Let me guess, you don’t want me to box?
Mary: [Laughs] I didn’t even want you to play football, and boxing is so much more ... brutal.
Archie: I’m behind on everything else, but I’m good at boxing. I was actually thinking about going pro.
Mary: Going pro?! Look Archie, I know you’ve been dealing with a lot lately...
Archie: Mom...
Mary: But I won’t support you getting pummeled.

Fred: Son, from everything you said, it’s clear that Randy died from those drugs. An autopsy will support that you’re innocent.
Archie: But I’m not, Dad!
[Awkward pause]
Archie: I knew! I knew Randy was juicing. I could’ve stopped the fight, but I didn’t want to forfeit. If I ... I’m never stepping into that ring ever again. I can’t.
[Archie walks away]

Betty: Arch, are you and Josie dating?
Archie: Well, I mean…
Josie: Uhh…
Reggie: Did you know about this?
Veronica: What? No, I had no idea.
Reggie: The fact that your ex boo has a new girlfriend has nothing to do with you suddenly being all in with me?
Evelyn: Veronica, do you have something to share?
Veronica: I just found out that my parents are separating. My family is unconventional, to say the least, but I always thought no matter they’d stay together.
[Betty moves to comfort Veronica]
Evelyn: And that is what in the theater we call a “breakthrough.”

Hiram: No, I want you to keep those ... and the gym.
Archie: I appreciate you helping me out this week, Mr. Lodge, but I don’t want to be in your debt,
Hiram: It’s not a debt, Archie. It’s compensation. It’s a way for me to make amends since I was responsible for launching the Red Paladin quest in the first place.
[Hiram pushes the keys]
Hiram: Take the keys. The gym is yours ... no strings attached.
[Moment of silence]
Archie: Thank you, Mr. Lodge.
[Archie takes the keys and leaves]

K. J. Apa Quotes

Betty: I'm not gonna ask what you did with Veronica at Cheryl's. I'm asking you now, right now, if you love me, Archie, or even like me?
Archie: Of course I love you, Betty. But I can't give you the answer you want.
Betty: Why?
Archie: You are so perfect. I've never been good enough for you. I'll never be good enough for you.

Veronica: I'm filled with dread.
Archie: Why's that?
Veronica: Are you familiar with the works of Truman Capote? I'm "Breakfast at Tiffany's" but this place is strictly "In Cold Blood."