Kevin: Betty, what do you want from me?
Betty: I want you to have more respect for yourself than this.
Kevin: Respect for myself?
Betty: Yes.
Kevin: Look, we’ve been friends for a long time, but you still have no idea.
Betty: Well, then tell me, Kev, please!
Kevin: You act like we’ve got the same set of options. You live in this pale pink world of milkshakes and first kisses, and “Am I going to date Archie or Jughead?”
Cheryl: Except, for when she’s Dark Betty...
Kevin: Right! Right! Right! Except for when you’re exploring your BDSM sexuality, which again you’re allowed to do. But I’m not, because why? This is what I’ve got, Betty. Me, these woods, so please don’t come here and tell me it’s disgusting. If you can’t accept what I do, whatever I do then we’re just not really friends.
[Kevin leaves]

Veronica: Wait, Cheryl, does that mean you're taking the Vixens back from me?
Cheryl: But really, Veronica...where they ever yours?
Betty: Cheryl, we were wondering if maybe the Vixens could help at an event to help save Pop's?
[Cheryl sighs and claps]
Cheryl: Oh, Betty. I did not emerge from the frozen depths of Sweetwater River, nor the flames of Thornhill, to allow my Vixens to sling milkshakes at some death curse diner. The answer is a double cherry on top "No."

Cheryl: If you tell anyone the truth about what happened with the fire, I’ll tell everyone about what really happened in the barn with Daddy. You were cruel to me, Mother. It was abuse. Please, Mom.
[Cheryl starts squeezing Penelope’s breathing tube and she whispers]
Cheryl: So, hence forth: if you breathe, it’s because I give you air. If you drink, it’s because I’ve poured your cup myself. And, If you move, it is quietly and with my blessing.
[She releases the breathing tube]
Cheryl: Things are going to be different now, Mommy.’ll see.

Veronica: Cheryl, I'm so sorry I'm late.
Cheryl: All you missed was my abdication. The Vixens are in the gym awaiting you, their new Directorix. And I wanted to give you this.
[Gives Her A Shirt]
Veronica: Your "HBIC" shirt?
Cheryl: These last few days have put things in perspective.
Veronica: I understand, but if you personally need anything..
Cheryl: I'm fine...#MyTearsForBlossomMen.
[She leaves]

Clifford: Cheryl, what is it?
Cheryl: You did a bad thing, Daddy. And now everyone knows.

Polly: What is that? What did you find?
Cheryl: My Nana's ring.
Polly: She gave to Jason. He proposed to me with that ring. So how does your mother have it?
Cheryl: I...
[Polly reaches]
Cheryl: Hands off, goblin.
Polly: The only way your mom could have that ring is if she or your dad got it from Jason. And he wouldn't have given it up over his dead body.
[Cheryl grabs Polly's wrist]
Cheryl: Polly, you are carrying precious cargo, but if you think for one second that those babies guarantee your safety, you're in for a rude awakening.

Cheryl: Secrets & Sins, it's like Truth or Dare in which we own our truths by telling it like it is. I'll start the game with...Veronica Lodge.
Veronica: Naturally.
Cheryl: Let's begin with the day you and your mob wife of a mother came to town for a so called fresh start. Tell us Veronica, what's so fresh about defiling Archie Andrews in a closet?
Veronica: That was your doing...
Cheryl: Moving on! To dear Daddy Lodge, isn't it true that your father, from prison, illegally purchased the drive-in land? Which makes me wonder, what else is he doing from behind bars?
Veronica: Well, I can't speak for my father, but I can think of someone with a very dirty secret. Specifically, Cheryl killing her very own brother.
Cheryl: Everyone knows how much I loved my brother.
Veronica: Exactly. But did you love him maybe in ways a sister shouldn't love a brother? And as you got older, Jason started to think it was strange, unnatural. So he chose Polly over you, so you shot him between the eyes with one of your father's many hunting rifles.
Kevin: This is riveting. I. Can't. Breathe.

Archie: Cheryl, you okay?
Cheryl: What did my dad say to you? That I'm a trainwreck? Jason was the golden boy, but me...people hate me, Archie. At school, that's fine, whatever, but this is my family.
Archie: Forget them, Cheryl. Forget what they think. I think you're awesome.
Cheryl: Oh Archie. Sometimes I think you may be the only decent person left in Riverdale. The only person who doesn't want something from me or doesn't want me to apologize for who I am...or what I want.
[She kisses Archie]

Nana Blossom: The specter reads the baby's aura. It predicts the sex.
Cheryl: Nana has dementia and gypsy blood.
[Dangles the crystal]
Nana Blossom: Oh!
Polly: What? Is my baby okay?!
Nana Blossom: Babies. It's twins. One of each.
Betty: This is occultism at its most ludicrous.

Cheryl: Oh Polly, come stay with us at Thorn Hill!
Penelope: Cheryl's invitation is...genuine. Thorn Hill's gates will always be open to you. The child would want for nothing. You would want for nothing.
Alice: [Sighs] Do you think you can just waltz in here with a bed bug-infested Trojan horse, wave a blank check around, and steal my daughter?
Penelope: I didn't think you wanted her, or else, why would she be exiled like some pariah?
Alice: To keep her away from your family!
Penelope: Oh...and not because you're ashamed? Why is your own daughter not living with you?
Alice: She's not gonna step foot in that twisted, poisonous house of yours!
Cheryl: She should be so lucky.
Betty: Cheryl, that's not helping.
Penelope: She'd do a lot better there than with you.
Alice: How dare you!

Mrs. Blossom: I told you, Cheryl. No more sleeping in Jason's bed.
Cheryl: I didn't. I was working on the eulogy for JJ.
Mrs. Blossom: Don't bother. You won't be speaking at his memorial. God knows what you'd say. Something to humiliate us?
[Crumples up eulogy]

If I would have known Mama Lodge was working as a waitress at Pop's, I never would've given Veronica a spot on the Vixens. It's off-brand and it sends a false message of acceptance.


Madelaine Petsch Quotes

Betty: Why are you asking me so many questions about Polly? Cheryl?!
Cheryl: Because, you dumb cow, someone shot my brother and I think it was your crazy tweaked-out sister.

Kevin: Is cheerleading still a thing?
Cheryl: Is being the gay best friend still a thing?!