Bishop: You can change the future. Yours and Alex Quinn's. A soldier who fought bravely for his country and is fighting for his life. A life that you can save. You once took an oath to never leave a fallen soldier behind. Now's your chance to make good on that promise.
Doogan: The deal was my only shot at getting out of here. I just wanted a fresh start.
Bishop: That's exactly what this is. A new beginning. I know. Don't let a bad situation define who you are.

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Eleanor "Ellie" Bishop
NCIS Season 13 Episode 10: "Blood Brothers"
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NCIS Season 13 Episode 10 Quotes

Fornell: All right, this is too pathetic. Grab your stuff, let's go.
Tony: Go where?
Fornell: My house.
Tony: You're inviting me to your house for Thanksgiving dinner? I thought I was your second-least favorite?
Fornell: You are. But dry turkey, blackened dinner's really more of a punishment.
Tony: So now that we're friends, can I call you Toby?
Fornell: Don't push your luck.

Barbara: My daughter doesn't open up to many people, Gibbs. So I guess if she trust you, I should too. It is not easy knowing she's hundreds of miles away working in a dangerous job. If I had my way, she'd live here and be a teacher. Or a nun.
Gibbs: Daughters.
Barbara: That being said, it is very comforting to know she's surrounded by people who care about her.
Gibbs: I'll look after her.
Barbara: I'm counting on that.