Today, we reopen Starfleet Academy for the first time since The Burn. And in this moment, I feel that anything is possible. You are tomorrow's ensigns, lieutenants, commanders, and captains. And in this new world, all of you will go where no one has gone before and you will make the path by traveling it.


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Star Trek: Discovery Season 4 Episode 1: "Kobayashi Maru"
Star Trek: Discovery
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Star Trek: Discovery Season 4 Episode 1 Quotes, Star Trek: Discovery Quotes
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Star Trek: Discovery Season 4 Episode 1 Quotes

In truth, we are on an island together. We must ask ourselves, 'Do we honor our interconnection? Or do we curl inward, like a leaf folds from its tree?'


Book: Why would you say 'carnivore' to the butterfly people?
Burnham: They are NOT butterfly people. Why do you even have a pet? Why don't you just have a hologram goldfish?
Book: I had one. Grudge ate it.
Burnham: Who eats a hologram?