Michael: Why is it so hard to meet people? I... you know... it's uh... All I want is somebody nice and sweet and someone I can talk to and share an experience with, you know? Why is it so hard for people like us?
Margaret: I don't know.
Michael: You wanna see what I walked out on? This is gonna blow your mind. [holds up cell phone with a picture of Jan] Look at that.
Margaret: She's beautiful.
Michael: Yeah. Yeah, and you can't see her whole body. Down here, she's got a boob job. Just... she was just crazy smart and really manipulative and I don't know.
Jan [on phone]: Michael? Hello? Michael?

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Michael Scott, Jan Levinson
The Office Season 4 Episode 10: "Chair Model"
The Office
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The Office Season 4 Episode 10 Quotes

I did this for the little guy. For Joe six-pack. The guy who wakes up every morning in his $400-a-month apartment, wonders how hes going to pay his mortgage; wonders how he's going to fill his car up with oil; wonders how am I going to pay my kids' orphanage bills. That guy shouldn't have to wonder where he's going to park.


What part of "shorn't" don't you understand?
