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Riverdale Season 2 Episode 3 Recap: Chapter Sixteen: The Watcher in the Woods

Kevin is in the woods at night and he starts making out with someone. He overhears the gunshot and runs into Midge who is begging for help.

Veronica asks her parents if it's fine to invite her friends over. Her dad thinks it's fine.

Reggie confirms that Moose and Midge were shot out the previous night. Moose suffered several shots, but they both survived.

Veronica invites her friends over and they all agree.

Betty confronts Kevin about the truth of what he was doing. Kevin admits he was cruising in the forest. He promises that he won't do it again. Cheryl overhears them.

Archie and Reggie visit Moose in the hospital. He and Midge confirm the attacker's eyes were blank.

Jughead meets his peer mentor at Southside High. Toni Topaz tells him the school is over run with jingle jangle, an addictive drug. Toni warns Jughead that he needs to sit with the Serpents or the other gangs in the school will target him.

Veronica introduces her friends to her father. Hiram invites Archie to come over to dinner and talk about how he will save Riverdale.

Hermione tells Veronica to note be so eager about wanting Hiram to approve of her friends.

Archie rallies the guys to start a watch group. The group, called "The Red Circle", will have no weapons, but they will protect their own.

Jughead wants to reinstate the school newspaper at Southside High. He promises to put in the work.

Kevin tells Betty to not get involved in his love life. Cheryl reminds Betty that Kevin is only looking for gratification and approval.

Alice Cooper receives an anonymous package. "The Black Hood" wants her to publish a letter revealing the gunman killed Ms. Grundy and shot the others. The package includes a wallet of money and Ms. Grundy's glasses.

Hal and Alice bring the letter to Sheriff Keller and Mayor McCoy. They urge them to not release for 24 hours. Alice will print the letter for the next morning.

Jughead is granted access to reopen the newspaper. The Serpents want Jughead to hang out, but he turns them down.

Polly decides she is leaving Riverdale to live on a farm. She is afraid of the killer.

Kevin tells Moose he can't quit meeting up with guys.

Another layer to the drug problem in Riverdale was discovered. Jughead determines the drugs are being spread at Southside High.

Ethel walks home alone as a strange van follows behind her. Reggie and Archie arrive to save her in time.

Cheryl and Betty find Kevin in the woods again. He tells Betty to stop judging him.

Betty worries about Jughead's bruise. Toni lies to cover Jughead's back; she urges him to side with the Serpents so that the Ghoulies won't attack him again.

Hermione torments Veronica at the family dinner.

Polly leaves Riverdale for the farm.

Hiram tells Archie to stop sneaking into his daughter's room.

Kevin is back cruising again. He gets second thoughts about his next hookup; he runs away in fear. His father confronts him about it and the two agree to talk about things.

Veronica wants to get involved in the Lodge business.

Jughead sits with Toni and the Serpents at Southside High.

Archie films a livestream calling out "The Black Hood" and telling him they will find him. Hiram looks on excited.

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