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Wyatt brings his new girlfriend to the Ryder home to meet them for dinner. Leann wants to be a teacher.

Wyatt also breaks the news that he's dropping out of school. Judd is livid, and Grace tries to smooth things over. Wyatt tells Judd that he wants to be a firefighter. He also wants Judd to put a good word in for him becuase he missed the application process. He also shares that Leann is pregnant.

Mateo's cousin Marvin who looks just like him calls and says that he needs help. He needs Mateo to get him $25 grand to get out on bail and Mateo agrees to help him.

Some kids plot to get their ball back from their neighbor and end up with an arrow through her jugular.  Margaret wants the kids arrested for it.

They figure out that the reason the arrow didn't kill her is because she has a tumor in her neck.

Margaret changes her mind about being the mean neighborhood lady and gives them their balls back and offers to have them over for juice and visits.

Mateo asks Owen for money. And after Owen hears about it, he urges Mateo to put up some boundaries. Mateo feels like he owes Marvin and his family for taking are of him when he got to the country.

Tommy checks in on Judd and he tells her about everything.  She gives him some advice.

Marjan is driving everyone nuts with her reorganizing of things since she's still on desk duty.

Wyatt shows up at the station and wants to know if Judd will make the call for him, and gets angry when Judd doesn't. Judd says he thinks that Wyatt is too soft for the job.

Mateo is selling belongings to raise money for Marvin. He talks to Nancy about, and she gives him all the money she has in the bank and wants it paid back to her.

Judd talks to Grace about everything. She tells Judd that he needs to toughen Wyatt up and get him in the place where he believes in him.

Mateo finds out that Marvin is dead. He got behind the wheel and stole a car again but totaled it and died.

Mateo tells Nancy that he wishes that she hadn't given him the money and he wonders if his aunt and uncle will have issues with him since he posted the bond. Nancy offers to go with him and Mateo pushes her away.

Mateo goes home and starts drinking too much to work up the nerve to call his aunt and uncle but passes out knocks himself out in the process. He has a dream where he and Marvin are in a sitcom together.  He envisions a time when Marvin has covered for him and taken the fall for Mateo when he got into trouble to spare Mateo from experiencing poor treatment from Mateo's aunt and uncle taking Mateo in.

Nancy treats him and Owen found him. Mateo wants to come clean about arson he committed years ago and Marvin covering for him to keep him from getting deported.

He wants to make things right so Owen agrees to take him to the station.

Judd tells Wyatt he'll help him prep, but Wyatt tells him he went down to talk to the chief and now he's sstarting the academy next week.

Owen talks to Mateo and reminds him not to take Marvin's sacrifice for granted.

Judd helps Wyatt train.

9-1-1: Lone Star
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9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 11 Quotes

Mateo: I need to go to the police station.
Nancy: The police station, Why?
Mateo: I need to report a crime.
Owen: What crime?
Mateo: Vandalism, arson, I guess. It's what they arrested him for, but it was me.
Owen: Mateo, are you delirious or are you still drunk?
Mateo: Well, I'm not not drunk, but it's true. I burned down my school. It was me and these guys; I was 13. I was staying with my cousin and my family. They treated me so good, and I ruined their lives. They don't know it, but they need to know.
Owen: Mateo
Mateo: No, he didn't want me to get deported, so he said it was him. He went to juvie for me, and it changed him.

Tommy: He wants to be a firefighter.
Judd: Did you call Grace?
Tommy: No. No, I see the way he idolizes you. It's not surprising, Judd. He's got a great role model.
Judd: He got a big blue-collar lunk who got another girl in trouble for a role model. This kid, Tommy, Wyatt, he's so intelligent. He can go out there in the world and really do something. He don't want to do that. He wants to throw it all away to become bumass Judd Jr, and I just don't want him to make the same mistakes I made.