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A bouncy house at a kid's birthday party breaks free and crashes with kids and a grown man inside. The fire department arrives to pull them out of house. 

Athena's daughter is taken to the hospital. Her husband meets her there, and his boyfriend is with him. May wakes up and tells them that she's been bullied at school. She tells them she hates her life and has no friends. A woman from CPS shows up to talk to May.

Chimney proposes to his girlfriend. She's not ready to give him an answer. She asks for a few days. Bobby admits he doesn't like her for him.He says his relationship is fueled by lies.  

Chimney is in a car accident and Bobby's team is called to the scene. Chimney has a piece of rebar in his skull. He's taken into surgery while his coworkers wait. 

Abby has a birthday party for her mother. Her brother wants to put her in a home, but she wants to take care of her. 

Chimney survives surgery, but he has to be put in a medically-induced coma and may not wake up.

Abby calls Buck to ask his advice about her mom. He tells her the only thing that matters is family.

Bobby tries to convince Chimney's girlfriend to come to the hospital. She says she's not in love with him and refuses to go. 






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9-1-1 Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

My family is everything to me. And there ain't no trouble from the inside, or evil from the outside that's going to tear it apart. Now we may be buried in it up to our necks right now, and I may want to slap you with my left hand, but my right hand is holding you and the kids tight.


Hen: Oh, oh, so you're fleeing the scene? You do realize that you lose points for murdering people on the way to a fire.
Buck: It's fine, its a flesh wound. Obamacare.