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Married couple Eddie and Bailey explore a penthouse apartment. As they kiss on the balcony, Bailey accidentally falls overboard and is saved by a sign hanging off the building to which she hangs on.

The 118 arrive, and Buck rappels down the building, but as he approaches, the wires holding the sign split, and she falls. Lucy, having been a few floors below, is able to catch her through the window as she falls.

Eddie has a nightmare, and when he wakes, Bobby is there, and the two talk about the realities of trauma.

Jonah leaves the 118 for a new house. And later, he and Lucy meet for drinks, discussing her uneasiness about the rescue.

A man falls inside a donation bin, where he remains inside all day until Hen happens upon him by chance, and she and Bobby get him out.

A woman rides her bike in the street and is impaled by a stop sign that flies out of the bed of a truck riding in front of her. Athena and the 118 arrive to stabilize her, and Athena tracks the stop sign to a road nearby.

Maddie takes Jee-Yun to the doctor, instructing her to go to the ER, where Jee-Yun is diagnosed with intussusception. Maddie then frets to Chimney about feeling like her illness is her fault.

Lucy remains upset about the rescue, and talks with Buck, who relates to when he lost a victim. And he encourages her to take the win.

Jee-Yun is given a clean bill of health.

Eddie questions what they do for a living to Buck, wondering if all they go through is worth it in the end.

Athena sees two kids stealing a stop sign, and as they flee, one is struck by a vehicle. Athena helps stabilize him before the paramedics arrive.

Taylor asks Buck to help her set up an interview with Lucy, but Buck says no. He does help Taylor for help with locating somewhere. Later, Buck takes Eddie and Christopher to equine therapy, where Buck shows him the boy he saved on the day he got shot, who is riding there and doing well, reinforcing the idea that what they do matters and saving people gives them a second chance.


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9-1-1 Season 5 Episode 14 Quotes

Hen: How long were you in there?
Patrick: Time doesn't really exist in there.

Bailey: I don't know how you guys just did that.
Chimney: Dumb luck.