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Buck tells Taylor that both Chimney and Maddie have cut him off, and he feels like the 118 is being weird toward him.

A man buys a fitness mirror, and he over-exerts himself, triggering a pinched nerve that leaves him stranded on the toilet until the 118 arrive.

A groundskeeper calls 911 after a chainsaw gets lodged in his neck, and May takes the call before Claudette takes over.

Harry gets suspended from school after getting into a fight, and he has Bobby pick him up. After escaping to May’s and not telling anyone, Athena, Michael, and Bobby show up to confront him. After Harry tells Athena she’s a bad mother, she hits him.

After an explosion in the basement of a retirement home, the 118 battles the fire while trying to tend to two victims. Ravi ends up saving the day when he realizes it’s a chemical fire and they need to use CO2 over water.

Buck tells the team that he wants a transfer because he’s the reason Chimney left, and things are strained. But the team assures him that Chimney is coming back, and he can’t go.

May gets a call from a suicidal teenager and gets help to her in time.

Michael has Athena meet with Harry’s therapist, where they tell her they think she needs to seek counseling.

Buck gets a call from Maddie, who tells him that she’s not ready to come home. While on the phone with her, Buck hears background noise and thinks he knows where she is.

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9-1-1 Season 5 Episode 5 Quotes

Stay focused. You get distracted and people die.

Buck [to Ravi]

Buck: Do you think they blame me for him leaving town?
Taylor: Probably not as much as you do.