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Chimney refuses to believe Maddie left on her own, while Buck tries to reassure him that she will come home.

Athena and Michael talk to Harry's therapist. Since Harry hasn't been back to Athena's since the kidnapping, she suggests bringing him home, so he doesn't associate the house with being a bad place.

Josh brings a call center legend, Claudette, back to the team. And she is very dismissive of May.

A man loses control of his truck after his brakes stop working, and he plows into the crowd of a pep rally. Two cheerleaders are struck, with one, Cassie, dying and the other, Makayla, surviving.

Chimney finds a bill from Jee-Yun's ER visit that he was not aware happened.

The truck, which is on fire, starts releasing chlorine gas into the air. The call center advises residents nearby to shelter in place while the 118 gets the fire out and rescues a teacher stuck under a heap of metal.

Chimney goes to the doctor who treated Jee-Yun at the ER, and she tells him what happened with Jee-Yun.

At the hospital, Makayla's parents thank Hen for saving their daughter's life. And Cassie's parents arrive to identify her body. However, they realize Makayla is the one who has died and not Cassie.

Athena scrubs her house clean of anything Hudson may have touched.

Hen tells Makayla's parents about the mix-up, and they find out their daughter is dead.

Chimney tells Buck about the ER visit and going after Maddie, but after finding out that Buck already knew and had been in contact with Maddie, he punches him and decides to go after Maddie.

Harry admits to May

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9-1-1 Season 5 Episode 4 Quotes

I really don't want to hate her, Buck. I really don't want to believe that she could do this to us. To me. To Jee-Yun.


Buck: Listen, sometimes Maddie, uh she likes to put distance between herself and her problems.
Chimney: So, what's the problem in this instance- is it me or is it her daughter?