Matthew's On a Mission - A Discovery of Witches
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We're checking in with Emily and Sarah. Sarah is in a state because she's certain that Knox will find them there.

Ysabeau is almost incredulous that Marthe is setting the table so that they all eat together, but Marthe assures her that Matthew would want them all to get along, so it's worth it.

Matthew checks in on Master Cadwell's torture. He seems torn.

Satu is at her camp getting a talking to from someone who taught her everything except who she is. She was raised in obscurity for her own protection. She's crying. She wants to understand, not be protected.

They decide to visit Mary Sydney, who could do the trick. Diana is immediately smitten with Mary, and she's pleased when Mary suggests they work together. She's shocked to see a snake on Mary's show come to life, and Matthew quickly saves the moment by suggesting it must have slithered in from the garden.

Mary cannot help with a witch, but she gladly offers Diana her friendship and a word of caution. With what's happening in Scotland, they should trust no one with knowledge of her.

The guy wants Matthew to extract a confession by any means necessary from the accused witch, Cadwell.

Matthew receives a message from Father Hubbard. He's to take his witch before the clock tools seven.

Hubbard is a vampire who rules over the city of London. Father Hubbard cared for the sick before he cared for the sick before he succumbed to the sickness. Under no circumstances can Diana allow him to taste her blood as her secret will be revealed. There is a treaty between Hubbard and the de Clermont family. They stay out of each other's way.

Father Hubbard rushes Diana, and Matthew takes umbrage, and they come to an impasse.

She admits she forced Matthew to take her blood unwillingly. Father Hubbard says God accepts her act of mercy.

Matthew calls her reckless but so brilliant.

Kit finds Matthew praying in church, wondering if God is listening. Matthew admits that he never knows.

Kit wants Matthew to have some fun to recall the other side of Matthew Royden.

Diana finds Mistress Norman, the witch she had in her home. Diana asks again for her help. Please.

This time around, Diana's magic is undeniable. Susanna wants Diana to get an egg's contents into a bowl, but she hatches it instead. She will speak to England's most powerful witch on Diana's behalf. Kit and Matthew are playing a game of cards, literally taking the shirt off a man's back.

Matthew is delighted.

Kit wanted to get an earring for Matthew, so he looked like himself again.

Matthew is met in the street with a messenger of Lord Burghley's. Do not test his patience.

Kit is interested in what Matthew has been up to. Has he still been reading philosophy? Matthew talks of science. Kit wonders if his work is still read in the future, but Matthew won't regard him with knowledge of his future.

Diana isn't pleased to discover that Matthew is using questions to trap the innocent in his interrogations. She realizes that Caldwell will be sentenced to death, and she could be next if they stay too long.

Diana and Goody meet, with Goody sharing that she had been waiting for Diana for a very long time. That's when Goody tells Diana that she is a weaver, and Diana finds it hard to believe. She's terrible at spells. That's because she must devise her own. But Goody persists.

Diana realized that Satu knew she was a weaver, and Goody agrees. Their worst enemies are each other, and jealousy can be terrible. Goody can sense Diana's father's magic inside of Diana. His magic wove spells to protect his daughter.

Diana then goes before the coven, pleading for their help to learn the full nature of her power. She needs a community of witches to do that. They try to ward her off, but she's adamant. Susanna thinks that training would bring their coven trouble.

Goody stands up for Diana, and she assures them that Diana is the prophesied witch.

The coven welcomes Diana with open arms.

Father Hubbard is trailing Matthew. He wants Matthew to step in with Caldwell. It will benefit him.

Father Hubbard promises to ask Phillipe for assistance.

Matthew is freaking out. Kit wants Matthew to contact Phillipe. Matthew resists, but Kit perseveres. But it's not in Matthew's plans to bring Phillipe into this. Matthew opens Caldwell's cell and snaps his neck, kneeling over the dead man and genuflecting.

Diana is thrilled with her day, but she recognizes Matthew's conflicting attitude. She says that he killed Tom out of mercy. But there was no path where Tom could remain alive, and Matthew could still keep Tom alive. She's disgusted.

Father Hubbard presides over Tom's funeral. With the newest events, he sends word to Phillipe de Clermont.

Lord Burghley isn't pleased. Matthew considers going to see Queen Elizabeth to ask for help. Lord Burghley doesn't think that's a good idea.

A Discovery of Witches
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A Discovery of Witches Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

I'm in a city full of witches, and I still can't find a teacher.


Ysabeau: I'm tolerating them under my roof and affording them my protection. We don't need to play happy families.
Marthe: Matthew would want you to make them feel at home. If he has evolved, then so can we.