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Gary's doctor tells him that his cancer has now spread to the other lung and it's not responding to the treatment. He tells him that this will definitely be a fight.

Eddie and Rome spend time with him at chemo. He cuts his hair off and MDaggie helps him.

Eddie is looking at new houses for him and Delilah that are an hour and half away.

It's Javier's first birthday in a time jump and Gary is still battling the cancer.

They don't have good news for Gary, he's dying, and there's nothing left for them to do, so they're focusing on making him comfortable. Maggie is in denial and doesn't want to stop fighting and Gary has accepted the news.

Gary talks to Dr. Jessica about how he's feeling, and he's not scared about dying. He's just tired.

Greta tells Katheire that she had eggs frozen ten years ago, and she's planning on getting rid of them.

Maggie isn't doing well at the station because she's dismissive of everyon'es calls. She gets a phone call from Mexico about an experimental procedure for Gary.

Gary has Katherine help him with his will and all.

Maggie tells Gary about the Mexico trial, and dares him to fight and go to it, reminding him how he made her fight, so he does.

Danny says he can't go to the airport with them becuase he has his Harvard interview but hell drive back to hopefully be there in time since it might be the last time he gets to talk to Gary in person ever.

Sophie says she's going to Mexico with them to stay with them and help with Javi.

Eddie tells Delilah that after they send Gary away, he'll have to go to a meeting, and she says that she'll go with him.

Danny lies to Sophie about why he can't show up at the airport because he's too afraid to go there.

Everyone says emotional goodbyes to Gary at the airport. But then Maggie decides that they're not going to the trial because it's more important that he be there with all of them for however long he has left.

Danny explains why he couldn't go see Gary when Sophie confronts him.

Katherine talks to Greta about if she wants to have a baby or not. Greta had reservations because her ex worried about her passing on her bipolar, and Katherine encourages her to keep things

Eddie tells them that he's moving down the hall from Maggie and it makes Gary emotional.

Danny shows up to see Gary.

Maggie went around to all the pawn shops and finds the exact ring that Gary pawned off that he planned to give to her. Maggie wonders if life would've been different if she said yes the first time. And she wants to spend their last days together as his wife.

They have a wedding in the apartment.



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A Million Little Things Season 5 Episode 12 Quotes

Dr. Jessica: Somebody told me once that every life has a length and a width, and it's not to sacrifice the width in service of the length.
Gary: So you're saying, on top of everything I'm dealing with now, size matters? Come on.

Katherine: If you wanted to be a mom, we should be so lucky to have a kid like you, and if they did have bipolar disorder, you'd be the perfect person to help them with that so that they didn't have to struggle the way you did.
Greta: Really?
Katherine: If that is something that you wanted, I want that for you too.