Barbara Struggle - Abbott Elementary
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Melissa in the breakroom butchering impressions. She invites everyone to grab a donut as she continues to make bad impressions. Jacob finally tells her she is horrible at impressions and she takes his donut away.

Jacob introduces Barbara to tell his students about the fundraisers. She is leading the effort for a field trip and wan


She coaches the kids on what to say when someone refuses their offer of chocolate.

Outside Janine and her class sell chocolate to passersby. She does the Harlem Shake for the people watching by and admits it's not the most recent dance move.

Maurice, Mr. Eddie's friend, comes by and buys $10 worth of candy.

He leans down to the child he has previously dismissed.

Maurice: That's called game. You'll learn about it one day.

Janine and Maurice have been texting since the night at the Hookah Bar.  He asks her out and she happily agrees.



Jacob names the cat Cinnamon and Mr. Johnson corrects him that his name is Milton.


In the principal's office, a young boy named Henry walks in with pants that are too short.


She makes fun but has a drawer with spare clothes that she uses to give him when he tells her he can't afford pants that fit. Sh

She asks for his pitch for selling candy. 

Ava: You couldn't sell a scarf to Lenny Kravitz with that pitch.

She picks on him as he walks out of the office.

The staff checks the balance of their candy sale and they are below their goal. Ava approaches with money from her tactics. She offers to help and the team convinces Barbara to allow her to assist. She hesitantly invites Ava and they shake.


Barbara advises the kids that Principal Coleman is taking the lead.  She gives lists of tactics. These include targeting liberal white people, not taking no for an answer, crying, and not making change.

Barbara rebukes Ava for her aggressive and predatory tactics.


Gregory and Janine meet in the hallway and talk about school. She tells him that Maurice asked him out and he is at a loss for words. He tells her to be careful. He lets her know that Maurice is all or nothing. She accuses him of talking badly about his friend.


Barbara and Ava make their goal and make an announcement on the intercom. Ava convinces Barbara to fundraise for one more day in a different location.

In the breakroom, Jacob and Mr. Johnson still argue over the best interests of the cat.

Melissa and Jacob ask Janine about Maurice and call him "Mo". They rave about him buying candy from her students. She tells them she plans to eat ribs on their date. An obviously jealous Gregory offers to buy from her students as well. They remind him that the kids aren't there and he leaves awkwardly.

Mr. Johnson and Jacob argue about the cat's sleep schedule like bickering parents.

At the mall, the school board member who Barbara bribed last season approaches. She points out a price discrepancy. Henry sold her a candy bar for $2 even though they are actually only $1. The school board member tells Barbara she is not surprised at her behavior and that it wasn't church-like. Offended, Barbara confronts Ava and Ava happily admits it was her idea.

Barbara confronts her and Ava admits the children have been taking home a profit. She accuses Ava of teaching the kids to steal.  Barbara admits she made a terrible mistake trusting Ava.

Back in the breakroom, Melissa mediates between Jacob and Mr. Johnson. They bicker about custody and Melissa gives Jacob full custody with every other weekend visitation with Mr. Johnson.

Jacob speaks to Gregory about the candy and his obvious jealousy and realizes that Gregory likes Janine.



Mr. Johnson lurks in the background stroking the cat and whispers " The plot thickens".

Ava admits she was helping the kids because they are all having financial problems, specifically Henry. Barbara judges her for her actions, but Ava defends her decisions because it is what she had to do growing up.

Jacob and Mr. Johnson realize that the cat belongs to a 4th grader. They are distraught.

Barbara apologizes to Henry and offers to give him a profit from the church's bake sale.

Ava and Barbara make amends and Ava returns Barbara's badge that she used to get free pancakes.


Gregory speaks with Janine and gives her his blessing. He tells her not to order the ribs.

Later, Maurice and Janine are on a date and he seems to be telling a profoundly moving story. She eats ribs very sloppily and thanks him for sharing something so personal.

Abbott Elementary
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Abbott Elementary Season 2 Episode 13 Quotes

Jacob: in the words of Biggie Smalls: never get high off your own supply. Baby baby!
Kids: (groans)

We may not have discretionary funds, but we've got grits, guts, and a lot of chocolate!
