Melissa, Barbara, and Gregory Are All Smiles - Abbott Elementary
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Ava rents the school gymnasium out to Barbara's church choir because they need a new place to practice. Barbara is let down when she is passed over for the big solo.

Jacob and his boyfriend, Zach, are fighting, and Jacob confides in Gregory who tries to help with some advice. Jacob decides to go with a less orthodox approach and tries to be annoying on purpose so Zach will break up with him.

A new substitute teacher has taken over Janine's class, and Melissa is suspicious because of their strange techniques. She asks Janine to research them to find out if they're really qualified to teach. Janine can't find any history of them in the district records.

Ava convinces Barbara to stand up for herself, so Barbara asks to audition for the big choir solo. The director says she'll allow it, but cuts Barbara off right away. Ava steps in to defend Barbara, who asks her to stand down.

After confronting Cassidy, the new sub, Janine and Melissa discover that their last name is spelled differently than what Janine used in her research. They realize their accusations against the sub are baseless.

Zach shows up at school to ask Jacob to join him in couples counseling, but Jacob blurts out his true feelings that they should break up. Afterwards, Gregory comforts Jacob.

Barbara explains to Ava that she feels alienated from her fellow choir members because she is "too modern for them," and she implies that they take issue with Barbara's friendship with Jacob because he is gay.

Ava surprises Barbara by setting up a recital where she can perform the solo she didn't get in the choir. The students and teachers are a captive audience.

Abbott Elementary
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Abbott Elementary Season 3 Episode 5 Quotes

I love it here! It's like Cheers. Except nobody knows my name.


Remember, practicing is more important than your homework. And if any of your teachers disagree, I can and will fire them.
