Sara's Attack - All Rise Season 3 Episode 7
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Emily and Sara get stuck in an elevator on the way to hear the verdict of a murder trial.

Once they arrive, Emily's client hears he's guilty of murder. The victim's husband tries to attack him but accidentally punches Sara.

Mark and Emily rush to Sara's side, who's injured and panicking.

Luke meets with a new client who's been charged with arson.

Gloria calls Emily because she's concerned about her sister Maddie.

Amy and Mark banter about proposals at sporting events. As they argue, they witness a hot-and-run driven by a giant teddy bear.

The prosecutor tries to make a deal with Luke about the alleged arsonist.

Andre says the ball player wants to settle because his kid was the mascot.

Sara becomes overwhelmed with how much she still has to do for the victim's family.

The prosecutor throws more charges at Luke's client.

Teddy Biswas reached a deal with the teenage kid and his family, but then Andre swoops into the courtroom wanting a better deal.

Lola doesn't look thrilled, and Teddy refuses.

Maddie is angry when Emily finds her and drags her out of the mansion.

Sara tries to write her resignation letter, but Teddy catches her. They share a nice bonding moment.

Luke meets with Chief Milton, who sings Cyrus's praises and the work he did as a volunteer firefighter.

Luke realizes his client grabbed a torch, thinking it was a fire extinguisher in harmful conditions.

Luke is suspicious the same investigator was at every fire. He gets the records and questions him.

He has records that the investigator's cell phone was at each fire before it started.

Marshall dismissed the case.

Lola gets annoyed with Andre and Teddy, and they strike a deal.

Mark comforts Sara.

Andre and Lola get stuck in an elevator.


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All Rise Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

Mark: It’s too bad you didn’t take him to a basketball game and serve him with his divorce papers.
Amy: Mark, don’t do this, not tonight.
Mark: No one is more tired of this conversation than I am. I’ve tried to be empathetic, but he’s taking advantage of this situation.

Lola: My husband has an annoying habit of making important life decisions without me.
Sherri: You’re still struggling to find a nanny?
Lola: Not anymore, apparently. Sounds like this morning Robin found Bailey a daycare and dropped her off with complete strangers.