Fixing the Water System - AWAY Season 1 Episode 8
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There is a flashback to Lu's mother giving birth to her.

Misha is fixing the water system again. Emma says they will have a new system in three weeks, but Lu said Emma jinxed it.

Lu says Emma does not want to be there. 

Matt and Lex eat breakfast, then Melissa and Cassie pick Emma up for school.

The crew discusses the impending landing of Pegasus, the rocket with their supplies, on Mars.

While watching the live feed for Pegasus, Melissa texts Matt saying Lex is watching with them at home instead of the school assembly.

Pegasus lost communication with Mission Control. The crew waits for an update, while Matt calls Lex to reassure her.

The crew finds out about Pegasus's signal going offline. They discuss the next steps.

At a board meeting with NASA, Matt presents an idea to save the crew and discuss their options.

Lu records an audio message for her father, which prompts her to start crying.

Isaac calls Lex to check on her, and they discuss the accident. Isaac tells Lex they should cool things off.

Melissa and Cassie comfort Lex, and Lex decides she wants to get tested for the CCM gene.

Emma looks at her sentimental items until she gets an email about a slingshot idea to meet Pegasus II instead of landing on Mars.

Emma tells the crew about the idea, and Lu is angry.

Matt sends Emma an audio message, while Emma and Kwesi look out the window at Mars and discuss life on the planet.

While preparing a new route to meet Pegasus II, Emma receives Matt's message. Ram and Kwesi insist that Emma go and listen to it.

Lu sees Emma fly by, and Misha notices. They discuss going back to Earth without landing on Mars.

Emma listens to Matt's audio message and discovers he gave Ground the slingshot idea.

Emma hallucinates Matt, and they discuss her future.

Lu and Misha come up with an idea to land on Mars safely, and they tell Kwesi and Ram. Ram must decide whether to go through with this plan or not.

Melissa and Lex interrupt Matt at work on Earth, and Lex tells Matt she wants to get tested for CCM.

Lu gives Misha advice on how to talk to his daughter.

In China, Lu's mother tells her father they got a message from her. 

While getting ready to listen for Pegasus's landing, Emma finds out what they are doing and feels betrayed. Lu tells Emma that Emma inspired her, and Emma agrees to the plan.

The crew listens for a sonic boom to signal Pegasus breaking the atmosphere. 

After, Emma gets an email from Lex saying she is going to get tested for CCM. She sends Lex and Matt separate audio messages. When Matt listens to his message, he hears the sonic boom as Emma tells him they're going to Mars.

The episode ends with the Atlas approaching Mars.

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AWAY Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Emma, I, I appreciate what you're trying to do here, but let's be honest, you know as well as I do when a plane goes off radar, that pilot isn't coming home.


We don't know anything! We don't know if Pegasus is sitting on the ground, or exploded into pieces, or if the backup system is even going to last, or if Mom's gonna survive!
