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Saul and Mike wander the desert as Kim anxiously waits to hear from Jimmy.

Saul finds a signal and calls Kim. They both rejoice in the communication.

Saul and Mike stop at a gas station for supplies and water.

Saul and Mike work on the story to tell Lalo about what happened with the pick up.

Saul delivers the seven million dollars for Lalo's bail.

Lalo asks Saul what happened with the pick up, and Saul tells him that his car broke down and he had to walk.

Lalo decides to head back to Mexico to avoid any further legal issues with the police.

Kim takes care of Jimmy. Jimmy lies to her about what happened.

Gus makes a call and formulates his next move.

Mike tries to convince Gus to let Nacho out of the game, but Gus refuses.

Jimmy gets upset by Kim making orange juice due to the trauma he faced in the desert.

Saul goes in to help a client.

Kim quits her job.

Lalo visits Hector to say goodbye.

Saul and Mike have a heart to heart about the events that transpired.

Nacho takes Lalo to investigate the Saul's story and they find Saul's car with a bullet hole.

Jimmy and Kim discuss Kim's resignation.

Lalo comes to their apartment and presses Saul for the truth.

Kim defends Saul and his story and Lalo leaves.

Better Call Saul
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