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Kim looks out the apartment peephole for Lalo.

Jimmy watches out the window as Lalo drives away.

Jimmy talks to Mike on the phone, who only says Kim saved him.

Jimmy tells Kim the truth about the desert.

Kim and Jimmy go to a hotel.

Jimmy questions whether or not he is bad for Kim.

Gus and Mike discuss Lalo and Nacho.

Lalo arrives home with Nacho and introduces Nacho to his family.

Kim goes to work and Jimmy expresses his concerns.

Jimmy calls Mike to talk, but Mike shuts him down.

Kim asks for more felony cases and sees all the pending cases.

Lalo tells Nacho how to speak to Don Eladio.

Gus' men call Nacho and tell him to open Lalo's gate at 3:00AM.

Kim runs into Howard in the elevator and reveals to him she quit her job.

Howard follows her and warns her about Jimmy and his issues.

Kim laughs at Howard.

Mike tells Saul how Lalo is being handled.

Lalo brings Don Eladio a car and money, and Don Eladio gets to know Nacho.

Kim and Jimmy discuss whether or not they are safe from Lalo.

Kim and Jimmy order dinner and discuss how else they could torture Howard.

Kim takes it a step too far and suggests messing up the Sandpiper case.

Nacho runs into Lalo outside near 3:00AM.

Nacho creates a distraction and opens the gates for Gus' men.

Nacho runs away, but Lalo survives the attack.

Kim and Jimmy discuss what they would do with the money from the Sandpiper case.

Kim suggets they take Howard down, and Jimmy is hesitant.

Lalo finds his dead family.


Better Call Saul
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Better Call Saul Season 5 Episode 10 Quotes

Jimmy: Am I bad for you?
Kim: Are you bad for me?
Jimmy: I got you into this. What happened tonight. None of this would have happened if you weren’t with me.
Kim: You crossed a line. You’re not going to do it again.
Jimmy: Yeah.

Howard: No person in their right mind would behave the way Jimmy has. We are talking about someone who’s not in control of himself. You and I both know it makes no sense to drop a client like Mesa Verde, and I gotta think Jimmy had something to do with that.
Kim: Do you have any idea how insulting that is? I make my own decisions for my own reasons.
Howard: You gotta listen to me, the man needs help.
Kim: Howard, I know Jimmy and you’re wrong.
Howard: You know who really knew Jimmy? Chuck.