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Jenny confronts Travis and Donno as they sit outside the station.

Cassie and Mark have breakfast together after spending the night, and Mark admits to her that he and Jerrie kissed.

Travis goes to Jenny's house and tells him that the Bhullars are after her, and if she doesn't stop, they will kill her.

Ren and Jag try to figure out how to get information out of their father, while Alicia offers to go to the sheriff's department to get them to back off.

At Dewell and Hoyt, the team looks into Richard's disappearance and deduces that he's likely looking for revenge.

Bryce meets Tonya at the trailer, and Richard shows up looking for information on the Bhullars before Bryce scares him away.

Alicia asks the department to cease and desist, but Tubb declines. Alicia threatens him by exposing the bogus warrant he obtained to search the lab.

Mark has to give a statement about Wolf's death, and Cassie and Jerrie follow a tip on Richard's truck. Jerrie tells Cassie that she's okay with Cassie and Mark together.

Tubb tells Jenny that she needs to get information from her CI so they can get the Bhullars before they get them.

Jenny gets a shipping manifest from Bryce and asks him to get more information for her.

Richard confronts Tubb at gunpoint in his home as he asks for information about the Bhullars. When Tubb attempts to get the gun away from him, he is shot. When Jenny arrives on the scene later, Tubb tells her Richard shot him.

Tonya realizes Bryce stole the shipping manifest, and she kills him by stabbing him.

Ren and Jag decide they're going to force Veer out of the business.

Cassie and Jenny meet with Mona and discover that she'd been getting drugs.

Mark gets a lead on Scarlet and Phoebe's whereabouts, and he and Jerrie travel to Idaho.

Ren and Jag change the routes after finding out about Bryce. As Travis calls Jenny to warn her about Bryce's death, he's approached at the Bhullars by Richard, who holds him at gunpoint, demanding to see Veer.

Big Sky
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Big Sky Season 2 Episode 16 Quotes

If you keep going after them, they're going to kill you.

Travis [to Jenny]

Cassie: You're doing that thing. Talking and not saying anything.
Mark: Okay. Um. I have to confess there was a moment between us.
Cassie: Oh. A moment?
Mark: We kissed. I didn't plan for it, but it sort of happened.