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Ice Cream has promised the Gardner paintings to Russian enforcer Ilya Mikhailov. He's willing to trade information about Madeline for the paintings. Richard Shirley checks in on Weitz's plan for removing Susan Shah from the vice-presidential short list. Patterson, Rich, and Ice Cream attempt to figure out who has the paintings now. The first suspect is art restorer Irving Sutton. Jane and Weller visit him but, when he goes for a gun, Kurt shoots and kills him before he reveals where the paintings are. Irving posted a video of himself on the dark web featuring the paintings. Weitz wants Afreen to do a wire transfer from Shah to his offshore account. Patterson figures out Sutton's musical clue and sends Weller and Jane to Zagreb. Jane finds a geode and a Bible inside a safe but they have them taken away at gunpoint. Weitz meets with Shah as part of the V.P. vetting. Kurt finds writing of the door of the safe. The words describe a section of one of the paintings and leads to a complicated clue, with only a half-hour head start. It's a monastery in Ireland. Shah's husband kills her because of the wire transfer. Patterson and Rich enter the monastery disguised in religious garb. But they aren't the only ones there after the paintings. They finds a clue leading them to a book in the library with a page missing. That leads them to a secret staircase and the room with the Gardner paintings. Two men with guns confront them to get the paintings. Patterson has determined they are counterfeit and gives them up. The real ones are hidden in a frame. Ilya got killed by police. So the team convinces Ice Cream to return the paintings. Patterson deciphers an article that suggest Madeline's attack will erase people's memories.

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Blindspot Season 5 Episode 6 Quotes

Greetings. Let's do this.

Ice Cream

You get me the Gardner paintings and I give you a smoking gun.

Ice Cream