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Baez congratulates Danny on getting a conviction against a murderer. Danny says but the victims are still dead. He sees a Missing Persons flyer. WHy can't they help her? Danny sees the brother handing out flyers. The guy thinks they don't want him to hand out flyers. He tells Danny that his sister is not well. Danny says they will take over looking for her.

A cop tells Eddie that her father is in a holding cell and is looking for her. Eddie decides against her better judgment to see him. He says he was released from prison and is free except for a misunderstanding. He says he didn't call her because he didn't want her to think he was asking for anything. A cop comes to take him to central booking.

Anthony meets a woman who says that some people found a gun in the river, related to a homicide Anthony closed 6 years ago. He might have put an innocent girl in prison.

Frank is not glad to hear the archbishop is "here and hot." The Archbishop comes in and is unhappy. He says Father McDougal's apartment was burglarized. Frank points out that McDougal is always here demanding the police be defunded. Frank laughs at the idea that McDougal called 911 when he wants to defund the police. Archbishop says someone leaked the call. He says there's crises every day and that Frank has embarrassed the Church. Frank says what about the priest who is throwing gas on the fire? Archbishop wants the person who leaked the info punished. Frank says there are boundaries. Don't tell him how to do his job. The Archbishop wonders what is more important: Frank's office or his faith?

Eddie's dad has gotten a desk appearance ticket. Apparently he was charged with trespassing and couldn't stand living at a halfway house with other criminals. Eddie asks where he is staying. He says just around. He promises to make his court date. Eddie says he needs an address for the DAP. She used hers.

Danny and Baez talk to the guy from Akron who says that his dad was always drunk and never worked and made Angie wait on him hand and foot. He was able to get married and move out but Angie couldn't. When the father died, Angie moved to New York. He has gotten mostly crank calls, like a homeless man who wanted $500 to tell him which woman she was. The guy is surprised that Danny and Baez are actually helpful.

Anthony gives Erin the gun and tells her that Jade always said she was innocent. If this is the gun, Jade might be telling the truth. Anthony eplains some divers found it.

Erin says that Anthony got some papers wet when he is supposed to be helping her with some info for a case. She says she will give this back to Eubanks and they have to work on the case they were assigned.

The Archdiocese has canceled events with the cops. Frank is not happy about leaking the call. Sid doesn't see the problem. Garett says this is giving the cops good PR. Frank doesn't see this as a win. He asks to talk to Abigail privately.

Danny's boss gives him only 24 hours to close this case. Shaw shows up and assumes they are giving up. He gets it. Danny tells him they are looking into shelters, etc and are just getting started.

Jamie comes home and wonders if he did something wrong. Eddie's dad comes out of the bathroom. He says hello to Jamie, who says he didn't know they were harboring fugitives. She asks her dad to give them some privacy. She tells Jamie her dad has no place else to go and it's only a few days. Jamie says every time Armin comes back into Eddie's life she cries herself to sleep. She says she locked up the guns and told him he's under house arrest. And it's only til his court appearance in three days.

Armin wakes up to find Jamie is home. Jamie is not interested in getting to know him. He wants him to find someplace to live.

The Archbishop is arguing with McDougal and is surprised to find Frank praying there. Frank thought it would ease tensions if he talked to MDougal himself. Sid is there too and looks unhappy. He says he is there as a representative of the people McDougal wants to lose their jobs. Frnak says he just wanted to hear McDougal's point of view. Archbishop doesn't like Sid challenging McDougal's views. McDougal says the cops brutalize citizens.

McDougal says he just thinks there should be reforms and police held accountable for bad behavior. Frank tells him that is not what the slogan means.

Danny has a lead. The missing woman is looking for a job in a soup kitchen.

Jade doesn't trust Anthony. She has been locked up for years when she didn't do anything. She says the witness who accused her hates her. Erin shows up and ends the meeting, saying it was unsanctioned by her office. Anthony says Erin is not his boss. They argue in front of Jade. Jade screams she gets raped and jumped when she is innocent. THe cops drag her away.

Eddie comes home and her dad has not had any luck with the house hunt. SHe is surprised that Jamie is leaving. She got a roast for Sunday dinner so can Jamie look up a marinade? Armin thinks Sunday dinner sounds nice. Didn't they invite Lena once? Armin accuses Jamie of throwing his mistakes in his face. Armin says he couldn't go to Sunday dinner anyway since he has to find a place of his own.

Danny and Baez arrive at Kim's residence. They tell her about her brother being worried about her. She says David is her ex who has been stalking her. David went nuts when she postponed her wedding to him. She's freaking out. Danny says they will get her an order of protection if she comes to the squad room with them. Danny tells Baez he screwed up and G will make them finish this case.

Kim has disappeared altogether. The cops go in and she's gone. Danny thinks David has kidnapped her.

Sunday dinner. Henry doesn't like the Archbishop's latest sermon. Frank thinks he's overreacting. Anyway he doesn't care. Jamie likes the sermon about being betrayed by someone close to you. Erin agrees but doesn't want to talk about Anthony. Eddie says that was directed at her. She explains about her dad. Frank doesn't understand why Armin wasn't invited to dinner. Jamie says it might have been awkward. Frank says Eddie's family is welcome at this table. Danny says sinners tell better stories anyway.

Eddie and Jamie come home to find Armin is gone. Eddie is upset. Jamie has spycam footage. Armin left with some guy that Eddie thinks kidnapped him. Jamie looks at the footage again and sees she is.

Sid and Garrett have been looking for the leaker. Abigail has too. She has the results of her investigation. Frank doesn't want them to open the results. He doesn't want to know because then he would have to act. He doesn't want to dampen the enthusiasm on the ground since this incident happened. But this is the NYPD and they aren't supposed to play pranks. So this is the only time.

Anthony apologizes to Erin. She tells him she officially opened the case and asked Eubanks to get the gun analyzed. Anthony must interview all the participants.

Angie's apartment is a mess. Baez worries that she's already dead. Danny says obsessive doesn't necessarily mean killing someone. He finds Angie's phone. Meanwhile, Shaw's truck has been found but there is no sign of him.However there is a text suggesting that the missing people are in Tribeca Park.

Jamie and Eddie go looking for the bad guy. They kick in a door in a darkened building. There appears to have been a struggle and there is blood on the floor.

Trask beats up Armin and insists no one goes straight so he'll have to kill him. He tells him to get in the trunk,. The cops show up just then and shoot at Trask who goes down. Armin is full of blood. Jamie calls for an ambulance.

David is dragging Angie through the park. He has the engagement ring. He says she was right to put it off and asks her to marry him. The cops show up just then and Angie runs to them and says David has a knife. Danny pulls a gun and tells David to drop the knife. David drops the knife, runs away,, and immediately gets hit by a car.

Erin and Anthony confront Jade. They say that she killed the boy and also the witness against her. Jade will be going to trial again and be convicted for another murder. Jade says she is going to make sure Erin and Anthony are killed, and her mother too.

Eddie's mother has agreed to take him in. Jamie offers a handshake.  Eddie hugs him and promises to stay in touch.

Frank goes to church. The Archbishop isn't interested in seeing him. They argue. Archbishop is planning on transferring McDougal to Buffalo. Of course he wasn't going to let McDougal keep calling for the cops to be defunded and then he has to clean up McDougals mess, too. Frank misses personal responsibility. Archbishop prays they are just going through a temporary drought.


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Blue Bloods Season 12 Episode 5 Quotes

Abigail: Sir, our enemies fight dirty every time.
Garrett: So maybe some asymmetrical warfare levels the playing field.
Frank: And it loses the church, everyone loses.

Frank: You once told me that you had great respect for the boundaries between our two spheres. So don't tell me how to do my job.
Archbishop: I wouldn't dream of it. But you should ask yourself, which is more important to you: your office, or your faith?