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Jamie and Eddie have a reporter, Lorenzo Colt, ride along with them but all he can talk about is the adrenaline rush. He tries to follow Jamie and Eddie into a shots fired call. Eddie has to lock him in the back of their patrol car to get him to stay put. While they are inside the building, the reporter ends up getting shot while in the car. 

The reporter will be okay but he refuses to tell the Danny and Baez anything. Instead he posts a sketch of the suspect on his website. All he seems to care about is the story, not catching the man who shot him. 

Danny and Baez use the fake 911 call to track down the shooter. His name is Michael Hix but Colt refuses to identify him if he can’t have an exclusive interview afterwards. The police have to let Hix go. 

Later, His is found dead. He was thrown from a roof top. Michael Hix was his last phone call. Hix swears he never saw Colt but Colt was wearing spy glasses that recorded their meeting on the roof. Colt wanted an interview and when Hix refused, he threatened to turn him in to the police, so Hix threw him off the roof. 

Linda is having problems coping since her shooting. She doesn’t want Danny to go back to work and she blows up at the Reagan family dinner because all they ever talk about is crime and criminals. Later she tells Danny she’s getting help and will get better. 

Garrett and Frank butt heads over the reporter. Garrett wanted to do the ride along and Frank did not but went along with it. Garrett becomes disgruntled. Frank has his friend from a University offer Garrett a high paying Commnications position. Garrett realizes that Frank was behind it and calls him out on it. 

Later Franks tells Garrett that if he wants the new job, to please stay for a month to help choose his replacement but that he’d really like it if Garrett stays. He’s also willing to offer him a raise. Garrett looks at the paper and the raise is only 3%. He decides to stay anyway. 


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Blue Bloods Season 6 Episode 3 Quotes

We like to keep the peace peacefully as much as we possibly can.


You're a good egg, Garrett. I just want to make sure that egg doesn't end up all over our face.
