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Jamie and Eddie are called to a young woman, Jenny Strong, wandering around in traffic. She says she’s looking for something she can’t find but if she tells them what it is, they’ll hurt me if I tell you. She also says someone is watching her. Eddie and Jamie get her to come with them.

They meet with Jenny’s father. She has schizo-effective disorder. He can’t afford a private hospital and won’t put her in a State facility. Jamie and Eddie talk with the social worker on the case who says there’s nothing more she can do and that the NYPD should be better trained to deal with mental health issues. 

Jamie and Eddie are called back to Jenny Strong’s home after she’s stabbed her father in the arm. Other officers are threatening to shoot her but Jamie gets her to drop the knife. Jamie makes some phone calls to an old friend at a high end mental hospital in Westchester and gets her a bed but when he tells Jenny’s father, he finds out that Jenny has committed suicide. 

Later, Jamie asks Frank if he can start an advisory committee for dealing with the mentally ill. Franks says he will look into it if Jamie makes the list of people for the committee and makes sure his own name is on it. 

Erin’s digging through unsolved crimes of mob boss, Lenny Grassioso. She reopens a case where Grassioso was a suspect in Ronald Green’s murder. Erin contacts the cops on the case who walk her through the scene and a new search finds a gun hidden on a rooftop. Erin uses the gun to press charges against Grassioso.   

Vincent, an old mob informant who is suppose to be in Witness Protection, shows up to give Grassioso an alibi. He’s bored in WITSEC. He cut a deal with Grasiosso to get the price off of his head so he can come out of hiding. But Vincent swears that Grasisso didn’t kill Green, a cop did it. 

Marty Brock the retired cop who found the gun, is actually the killer. Vincent helps set him up to to confess. 

Linda gets caught in the middle of a brawl between police/ESU and firefighters in the hospital. The incident hits the newspapers and tensions grow between NYPD and FDNY. Frank and the FDNY Commissioner, Stan are told to meet by the mayor to bury the hatchet but Stan is so angry that nothing gets accomplished. 

Officer Derek Redlick gets injured when the NYFD won’t stand down at a crime scene.  Frank sits down with Stan once again and the two agree that there will always be a rivalry but attempt to come to some kind of agreement to mend fences. 

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Blue Bloods Season 6 Episode 4 Quotes

Touch that horn one more time and I'm gonna feed you the steering wheel.


So he punched your ticket to Iowa and now you're going to vouch for him.
