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-Noah Parker, a young boy with asthma is kidnapped. Helen his nanny is run down and killed while trying to stop it.

-Derek Ames, an FBI investigator joins the team to try and find Noah. Ethan and Curtis track down the patterns left on Helen's body and narrow down the vehicle. This leads them to a suspect, Jason Peterson.

-Helen's blood is on Jason's truck. Bud interrogates Jason with the cameras off and Jason ends up dead. Everyone believes Bud killed him.

-Evidence on Jason's body leads them to an empty storage unit near the river. Noah had been there. He left behind tissues and had been coughing up blood. Megan determines the boy has pneumonia.

-A fungus on Jason leads to his accomplice, another nanny. They find Noah being held in the cellar of the house where she works.

-Megan proves that Jason died of an aneurysm and was not killed by Bud.

-Megan tells her mother how much she hates her campaign photo. It is of Joan and Megan on the day of her father's funeral. For Joan, it represents strength, for Megan grief. The two attempt to mend fences.


Body of Proof
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Body of Proof Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

At the end of the day, the boy is either in their arms or on your table.


Derek: You can't let your heart get the better of you.
Megan: No one has ever accused me of that.