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The Chupacabra myth makes a visit to the Jeffersonian when a victim is found with no blood and the scent of sulfur permeates from the remains. Myth-buster, Lee Coleman , is found dead on the property of a lodge which capitalizes on hunting and the unknown. Attempting to prove that the Chupacabra didn’t exist, Lee Coleman ventured to their little hamlet to expose it. Due to his failure to wear a hunting vest, Melissa, the activities director at the lodge, accidentally shoots and kills him. The lodge owner Randy, exacts revenge by making the body appear as if it was, in fact, ravaged by the mythical creature.

 Around the Jeffersonian, the investigation first seems to point in the direction of being killed by the mythical creature, but the unearthing of past victims of the myth-buster leads to a field of likely candidates which who prove to be innocent. Similarly, the gang, especially Brennan and Booth, attempt to reconcile between what’s real and what’s explicable.

On another front, as per the ninth step of his AA program, Mr. Nigel Murray seeks forgiveness from members of the Jeffersonian team for actions that occurred in the past while he was drink, the best of which have him stealing three coupons from Cam’s desk drawer.

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Bones Season 6 Episode 18 Quotes

Why don't you use that big scientific brains of yours to just believe what I'm saying to you is true.

Booth [to Brennan]

I'm not familiar with the yadda, yadda, yadda myth, but the others don't need disproving because they don't exist.
