Jules is Back! - Brockmire
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Jules is going into a meeting with Tampa but notices she has pit-stains when she goes to the bathroom to freshen up. She asks the receptionist to take two hundred bucks to the most stylish gal in the office and buy her shirt.

She gets the opportunity to show she has the ability to draw in an audience even though baseball is dying.

Jules and Brockmire go to lunch at which she orders a bottle of chardonnay in a pint glass with ice before sharing her dating news with her ex.

Before Jules stops stabbing the knife into his face, she asks Brockmire to talk with Bob Costas about George Brett scoring a job on his new show.

Dang, Gus looks like a nightmare.

The baseball stadium is full of fans in spite of the horse and cow shit outside the stadium, but the owner isn't all that pleased. She got the fans there with one of those phone games where you look for things.

But when she makes one of the characters hit the mound, the guy understands.

After the game, she's drinking wine from the bottle when she shares with Brockmire that George is sober. Brockmire goes ballistic.

Bob Costas decides to give George the job so he can think of the many ways George is fucking Brockmire's ex.

George shows up to thank Brockmire. 

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Brockmire Season 3 Episode 2 Quotes

Do you mind if I drink in front of you? If it's a trigger for you, I can put it in a paper bag or just take nips in the bathroom...


Brockmire: No wonder we get along so well. I'm one of those straight men who has always preferred the company of lesbians.
Gabby: Oh, you mean like a dyke mike?
Brockmire: Yes, exactly.
Gabby: No, I just made that up. What you're describing does not exist.