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Jake organizes a meeting at the bar with everyone except for Holt. He wants to try to get Kevin and Holt back together, but Amy objects. Everyone else is reluctant to participate. Terry suggests going with Holt to his lakehouse to bird-watch as a way to cheer him up instead.
Jake and Terry pack the van. He seems optimistic about the trip until he finds out there will be no phone reception. Rosa arrives and tells Amy about a prescription for anxiety medication she brought since she thinks the weekend will be dramatic.
The squad arrives at the lake house, and Holt is outside to greet them. Jake brings Mac inside while Amy reviews the baby items from the car. Charles volunteers to help with Mac during the weekend.
Scully asks Holt about WiFi service, but there is none. Holt gives a tour of the house to the squad. Terry confronts Jake about his unusual behavior, but Jake insists it is nothing until Kevin shows up. Holt and Kevin have an awkward confrontation, and Rosa starts laughing because her edibles kicked in.
Holt explains to the squad that Kevin is just staying the night. Jake is optimistic that they will reconcile, but Holt and Kevin plan to keep their distance. No one agrees to help Jake, but Terry approaches Jake privately, offering his help with the plan a minute later.
Mac cannot stop crying, and Amy is frustrated that the blackout blinds do not work. Charles tries to give her advice, but it only annoys her. Rosa suddenly appears, laughing hysterically.
Jake and Terry meet up and successfully execute the next stage of Jake's plan: ignite the passion between Holt and Kevin.
Amy cannot get Mac to calm down, so she asks Charles for his help. Mac immediately stops crying once Charles is holding him.
Jake and Terry initiate the next part of the plan, which is to get Holt and Kevin to picnic together through bird watching.
Charles puts Mac down for a nap, but he accidentally locks Mac inside the room by himself when he closes the door.
Holt and Kevin "accidentally" run into each other while looking for a bird. Suddenly, bees swarm the area, which leads to Kevin getting stung by several and having a severe allergic reaction. Terry runs back to grab Kevin's EpiPen. Holt sees the picnic setup and realizes what Jake has been trying to do. Jake accidentally confesses to setting the whole weekend up, which prompts Holt and Kevin to leave. However, Kevin is temporarily blind because of the bee stings, so he trips over a tree stump and falls.
Charles is in the kitchen looking for a tool to unlock the door with. Rosa is not helpful because she is still high. Amy comes in and thanks Charles for putting Mac to sleep. Rosa almost confesses what happened, but she leaves before she can.
Rosa finds Scully. She initially wants to be alone but allows Scully to stay after realizing he has chips.
Jake, Holt, and Kevin are on their way back to the house. Holt and Kevin are not talking to Jake. Suddenly, Holt spots the rare bird Jake and Terry originally sent them chasing for. Kevin cannot see the bird because of his swollen eyes, so Holt describes what it looks like. As a result, they share a passionate moment.
Amy joins Rosa and Scully, but Rosa accidentally blurts out that Mac is locked in his room. Amy charges upstairs and breaks down the door, causing Mac to wake up.
Terry runs back to Jake with Kevin's EpiPen, and Jake tells him that the plan worked successfully. Terry wants to take some of the credit, but Jake does not allow him.
Jake tells the rest of the squad what happened. Holt comes in and asks Jake to move his car since Kevin is leaving the lake house. Holt and Kevin are back on bad terms.
There is tension between Amy and Charles during dinner because of what happened with Mac and between Holt and Jake because of Jake's meddling. Rosa and Scully wander in to make an announcement, and then they leave. Holt explains that Kevin planned on leaving the lake house anyway, making Holt realize their marriage was truly over.
Amy and Jake talk about Holt and Kevin. Jake realizes Kevin still has feelings for Holt, so Jake runs to tell him. Terry interrupts their conversation and admits to being involved with Jake's plan.
The squad gets ready to leave the lake house. Charles gives Amy homemade baby food to apologize. Amy admits Mac has had trouble sleeping because she's too doting on him. Holt tells Jake and Kevin that he is starting couples counseling with Kevin. Scully invites Rosa to Buffalo, and she accepts. However, Rosa regrets going once they are on their way, and Scully FaceTimes Hitchcock now that they have reception again.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 8 Episode 2 Quotes

Rosa: How long is the drive up there? I want to time my edibles, so it kicks in right when we arrive. What?
Amy: Nothing! It's cool; I'm not gonna tell anybody. I'm not a narc.
Rosa: Alright, you can tell people.
Amy: Good, because I'm a narc.
Rosa: I'm not a cop anymore, and I have a prescription for anxiety, so it's legal. It'll be good for when all the drama starts.
Amy: Why do you think there's gonna be drama?
Rosa: Oh no, you're right. Whenever we go on one of these group trips, everything's totally normal, and there's never any big conflict. Anyway, I'm just gonna pop one of these now for no reason.

Jake: Okay, you guys probably don't know this, but my parents got divorced when I was a kid, and it really messed me up.
Everyone: Yeah, we know.
Jake: What, do I talk about it a lot? It doesn't matter. The point is, we can't let that happen to Daddy Holt and Daddy Kevin.
Rosa: So we're just dispensing with subtext now?
Jake: Yes, this workplace is my family. Was that not clear? Holt is my dad; you're my mean older sister, Amy's my mom --
Amy: What?!
Jake: What? What did I say?
Amy: You said Amy is my mom!
Jake: Nobody said anything! We don't have time for this, Amy!