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Justin and Rebecca reach an impasse in their relationship, and he agrees to let her go somewhat amicably.

Holly has a breakdown over her inability to remember her own daughter, but Nora saves the day in a way.

Knowing Nora as she does, and despite their backgrounds, Rebecca knows Holly has others to care for her.

Finally, Rebecca says goodbye to the Walkers for good.

Sarah struggles to keep up with the Joneses when Cooper lands the lead role in "Romeo & Juliet" and first caves, then grows frustrated, then ultimately lashes out at a couple of society mavens who criticize her son.

Saul takes a huge risk to make a romantic connection with a dear friend (Stephen Collins), and is really breaking ground with this HIV-positive story line, one we hope continues.

Kitty struggles with an affair of the heart, while remaining cut off from her family in Ojai and romancing a handsome handyman.

Brothers & Sisters
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