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Adam Harris breaks his girlfriend, Emily Connor, out of the Oncology ward so they can make love one last time. But when he wants to take her back, she takes out a needle and asks him to inject her with fentanyl to end her life. Her parents were forcing her to have surgery to remove the part of her brain with the cancer, but it would have completely altered her personality and taken her memories. 

When Adam panics and calls an ambulance, he admits he helped inject Emily, and he is arrested for murder. Bull takes on the case, but Benny, a practicing Catholic, feels that he can’t adequately defend Adam since his own belief is that suicide, and assisted suicide, is a mortal sin. Bull tells him that he’s paying him to do his job and save this boy’s life. 

During the trial, the prosecution accuses Adam of giving Emily the fentanyl because he had a problem with pain medication two years earlier when he tore his ACL, but Adam swears he’s clean and he didn’t get the drugs for Emily. 

Danny tracks down a girl Emily met through an online group for cancer patients. The girl had the same surgery they wanted Emily to have, but now she doesn’t move or speak. 

Cable finds out that Emily’s father was taking her to a therapist and he knew that Emily wanted to end her life. He’s a veterinarian, and although he didn’t provide Emily with the drug, he knew that it was missing from his office the last time Emily was home. 

By showing the jury that Emily contacted Adam and asked him to take her out of the hospital, that she paid for the hotel room and she got the fentanyl, Benny convinces them that Emily’s death was her choice and not Adam’s fault. They find him not guilty. 



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Bull Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

This is her suicide note. She's telling you everything you need to know. She loved this boy. She loved life.


You can buy a sex toy in this city at three in the morning but you can't file a brief after five in the afternoon.
