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Simon Jones, a former employee of TAC who walked off the job and walked away from dating Cable, now works as a bike messenger and and is getting paid to take a new anti-depressant that DEP Pharmaceuticals is testing. Simon jumps off a building to his death. Simon’s parents ask TAC to sue DEP because he was never suicidal before he took those pills. 

Artie Candor (Archie Panjabi) is DEP’s Trial Scientist but she doesn’t believe in using mirror juries, she prefers to read people, and Bull is determined to beat her. Bull decides to fill the jury with people who trust big corporations and then hopes to shock them by showing them that DEP’s drug caused Simon’s suicide. 

TAC is losing the case, as the Artie’s side shows he had just completed a drug trial for a different company 27 days earlier and he signed a consent form saying he hadn’t been a part of another drug trial for at least 30 days. 

Bull loses his temper and lashes out at both Cable and Bennie. Later, Cable finds that one of DEP’s witnesses used to be a drug addict and may have lied about this testimony. 

Chunk uncovers that DEP’s CEO, Tessa Snyder, used a homeless man, Edgar Paulson, as one of their hard to find “healthy volunteers” for the same drug trial. Edgar hung himself six days after the trial was completed and Tessa paid for his body to be cremated. DEP decides to settle the lawsuit. 



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Bull Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

Bull: Oh no, Ms Cander. Nothing like a little irony on your driver's license to keep your mood in check.
Arti Cander: Says the man named Bull.

Benny: Nice of you to do this.
Bull: Represent someone I don't remember on a matter I know almost nothing about to make his parents, whom I’ve never met, feel better. Yeah, I'm a peach.