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Dawson requests to be transferred to arson and tells Boden she's pregnant. She and Casey plan to keep it a secret, but moments later the entire house knows. 

Nesbitt tells Casey they're on the same side. He wants to help find the notebook.

The house is called out to an accident and Casey winds up hanging off the side of an armored car. Boden pulls him to safety and they work to rescue the people inside. People attempt to steal the money from the truck and are arrested. 

Casey goes to Voight about Nesbitt and tells him to do something or he will. 

Brett mentions she visited the baby again. 

Hermann gets a notice for violating the noise ordinance at Molly's. 

Boden argues his case on the crack house fire and learns internal affairs is involved. 

Chili and Brett perform CPR on a man while his fiancee watches. They give him a shock and say clear, but she's touching him and is shocked. 

Dawson investigates the crack house fire for arson.

Internal Affairs questions Severide and Casey. They learn Boden could be relieved of his command. Severide asks the man they saved to come forward. 

Casey finds Katya's notebook hidden behind a wall. Nesbitt tries to steal it from him, but Voight shows up to arrest him. 

Hermann tries to make peace with Molly's neighbors, but the wife insults him, so he makes it karaoke night. 


Chicago Fire
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Chicago Fire Season 4 Episode 2 Quotes

Check out the floorboard. He was gonna Mad Max this thing.


My one pearl of wisdom for newbies, pace yourself. We're not running into burning buildings here, it's a game of patience.
