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The lab results confirming April's TB also show that she's pregnant. Tate is thrilled. But the clouds roll in when Will reveals that her TB is drug resistant, and the only medicine that will work carries a risk for the fetus. April refuses the drugs because she's unwilling to hurt the baby. Will points out that it's only a chance, and that without the drugs, there's an even higher possibility that both she and the baby could die.

Will and Nina throw a house warming party and invite everyone. Jay reveals that Will used to sing at weddings to help pay for med school and Sharon orders him to perform.

Nat disagrees with Will over how to treat a patient in kidney failure who is suffering cardiac damage as a side effect of his dialysis. When none of her treatments work it is revealed that the brother is a perfect match, but is refusing to donate because he doesn't want his homophobic brother to find out that he's HIV+. After the patient nearly codes, the brother reveals his secret. The incident scares the patient so much that he asks why he can't accept his brother's kidney, that HIV is preferable to death. Will refuses to sign off of giving an HIV+ organ to an immunocompromised patient, but Nat fights for her plan. After she fails to get dispensation for the procedure, WIll points out that the only impediment is that Jim isn't also HIV+. The doctors explain the specifics of the law and leave a syringe in the room with the brothers, pointing out that *they* can't give Jim HIV, but his brother can.

Sarah is still concerned about Danny, but she and Choi can't find him anywhere. She blames herself for him running off and imagines all kinds of terrible scenarios for him. Her guilt only gets worse when Lindsay arrives and has her identify Danny's body. He'd been beaten to death. Charles finds her in the hospital chapel and tries to reassure her that even though the outcome isn't what anybody wanted, she helped Danny by aiding him in making his own choices.

Robin is pissed off when she finds out that her father is interfering in her relationship with Conner. She tells him to stay out of her private life and that their relationship can't be centered around his guilt about not being there when she was young. Connor eventually overcomes his fear of pissing off Charles, and the two go out for a drink. 

Connor and Latham treat a girl with a rare genetic disorder that, in addition to making her overly friendly and trusting, is destroying her heart. Her mother doesn't want her to have surgery because the condition also increases her risk of complication with general anesthia, but eventually consents when the tests show that her heart is in even worse shape that they originally thought. Before she has her surgery, she wanders off and meets Choi's patient from the prison. While the mother and Connor saw this behavior as worrisome, Latham admires her ability to open up to strangers due to his own inability to do so.

Choi treats a patient from the prison who claimed to be beat up by three men. His sympathy for the man evaporates when he finds out that he stabbed himself. The prisoner continues to game the system, much to Choi's displeasure. Sharon later points out that engaging in a battle of wills was pointless and only further indulged the man by giving him the attention he so desperately was seeking. 

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Chicago Med Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

Will: You know I'm here to convince you to change your mind.
April: I'm a nurse. I stopped listening to doctors a long time ago.

Will: You ordered a paté platter and sweetbreads?
Nina: Yeah. Pathologists love organ meats.
Will: You recognize that's weird, right?