Jake and Devon - Chucky
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The teenagers are struggling to come to terms with the past.

They are brought into the world of the school and are told they will follow new and very different rules.

They are given new clothes, told where they will sleep.

Lexy is told to share room with Nadine, a woman who has been there for years and wets the bed.

Lexy wants the room closest to the door, but Nadine is not interested in giving her it and says she wets the bed.

Jake and Devon get to share the room but want to keep quiet about their being in a relationship because they are worried about being split up.

Chucky is happy when a nun dies of a heart attack just from seeing him.

He then gives the middle finger to the kids as they look shocked about what's been playing out.

Tiffany wakes up to a message from Chucky, telling her that he's going to kill her and the three kids.

Glen and Glenda showed up at the house but we didn't get to meet them because -- cliffhanger.

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