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The kids are ready to take down the killer doll, but will they prevail when they get to the White House.

Well, their weapons of choice are taken from them as they enter, leaving them in mortal danger.

However, things take a turn when they try to find Chucky inside the White House.

Grant is happy to give them a tour of the White House, but within reason.

However, things go awry when the power goes out and everyone is left wondering what happened.

When the lights come back up, Chucky unscrews the chandelier and it kills many of the partygoers, leading to some big shocking twists in the form of Chucky summoning the Voodoo god.

However, things take an explosive turn when the God refuses to give him his young looks back.

Instead, Chucky is left looking older than ever and screaming into the unknown.

Then, Tiffany is taken to prison and finds herself in danger. People fear her but they also think she has a soft center.

The prison guard assigned to her hates her and wants nothing more than to see her dead. Things take a turn when she gets her voodoo books and kills a famous chef prisoner.

She then compels guards to let her out of the prison.

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