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Clarice and Ardelia examine Clarice's ill-considered statements to the press about her open case. Clarice heads to Tennessee for a standoff between law enforcement  and a militia group known as The Statesmen. Clarice is going back to Appalachia for the first time in years. Krendler tells Clarice that he's going to request she be transferred off of ViCAP for her insubordination. Clarice tries to get Clarke to see the value of behaviorial analysis. They find out there is a boy inside. The group's leader, Lucas Novak, will only talk to Clarice. Clarice leaves behind her weapons. Attorney General Ruth Martin is heading to the siege. Novak tells Clarice that he doesn't know who shot the ATF agent. Novak tries to get into Clarice's head. Clarice keeps flashing back to a traumatic moment in her childhood. Novak's men start provoking the Feds, just as Martin arrives. Clarice negotiates a ceasefire. Novak will talk only with Sheriff Rowan. Rowan tells Clarice to go back to ViCAP. She doesn't listen. Instead she breaks back into the compound. She discovers that Novak and Rowan are pimping outNovak's clients to local officials. Novak offers up a shooter so that the Feds will leave. The boy Peter shot the ATF agent to bring in the Feds to help Novak's captives. She sends him to the command tent. Krendler gives Clarice permission to attempt to turn Novak against Rowan. Clarice tells Novak a story about her daddy the sheriff and a nasty soda jerk then informs him that he's the soda jerk while Rowan reminds her of her daddy. She gets his confession on tape. Novak pulls a gun on her. She drops and Esquivel kills him. Martin uses the recording to clean house. Krendler withdraws Clarice's transfer request. 

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Clarice Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Clarice: I don't know, Ardelia. Maybe I should just go back to the BSU lab.
Ardelia: Good. Hide like a bridge troll.

Twizzlers and Diet Coke are food groups now?

Ardelia [to Clarice]