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Desna is tired of the chaos of living with Jenn's family, so she calls Mandy to find her own place. Jenn and Bryce meet with a lawyer to assess their chances of winning in family court against EJ's suing for custody, but he's not encouraging. Bryce argues that EJ and Brienne should get a chance to know each other. Mandy finds Desna a fancy condo. Polly intercepts a call for Joe about Governor Patel's fundraiser. Polly gives Roller a makeover. Desna and her crew finds Penelope's body at the salon. Desna disposes of Penelope's body at the morgue. Desna sends a memorial wreath for Penelope to Mac and Melba. Brienne agrees to meet EJ. Virginia meets EJ. Desna sees the new Roller and agrees to a date. Uncle Daddy and Bryce try to poach clients for their Rock Bottom Rehab from Peter Pain Clinic. Mac offers Dean some mah jongg strategy. Desna warns Dean to stay away from Mac. The crew crashes Patel's fund-raiser, which is actually a masquerade sex party. Most of the pillbillies Uncle Daddy lured with a promise of half-priced drugs leave after Bryce's sales pitch. The crew locks up the governor's "date" and Desna takes her place. All but Desna get loopy on Molly-laced champagne. Ann hooks up with a man who dropped off a bribe for the governor. Desna shocks Patel, who admits he's getting kickbacks for private-prison contracts. Jenn's mother Brenda comes looking for rehab. Desna confronts Mac and Melba with all she knows about the casino's money laundering for the governor. Brienne and EJ hit it off. Ann gets back together with Arlene, promising full disclosure. Desna invites Dean and Virginia to move in with her, but Dean refuses, to Virginia's dismay. Roller gets abduced on his way to his date with Desna.

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Claws Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

Desna: What's all this?
Roller: Fried bologna with Jack Daniels for my lady.
Desna: Oh, you're doing the most.
Roller: Yes, I am.

Oh, hell no! Jennifer, if you don't whip these kids' ass, I will.

Desna [to Jenn]