Ross Is Struggling - Coroner
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Jenny tells her therapist about the dog. He says to make friends. She does and learns it is scared of her.

Using DNA, Jenny, and co connect dismembered body parts to a missing person report. Daraja Kamau reported her husband Gideon missing and thought he was murdered. He was a computer professor from Nigeria who championed using technology to connect marginalized African groups. Daraja was pregnant when he went missing.

Obsolete computer equipment was stolen the night Gideon went missing. Jenny connects this to William Webber, a similar death in a similar field on the same night that was ruled an accident by Dr. Peterson.

Ross's boyfriend Matteo comes to visit. They get in a fight over Ross's depression. Ross does work for Liam. He wants to drop out of school and get a job. Jenny agrees to let him work for Liam, but he has to pass the school year.

Jenny meets Lucy from digital forensics. They find a copy of a manuscript by Dylan Lee, who was supposed to meet Webber the night he died.

Jenny and McAvoy meet Dylan Lee and Amanda. They check out the house. Amanda sets up a social media account for Jenny and they take a selfie. Dylan lies about a tenant in the basement. Amanda reacts and Jenny notices. Their friend Storm is crashing in the basement. He was a student of Gideon's that Jenny and McAvoy interviewed earlier.

Amanda sees Dylan and Storm moving something. She goes into the basement and finds a gun. She brings it to the station and asks for lady coroner: they think she's a threat but Jenny gets her to put the gun down. They get a warrant for the basement and roof.

Amanda takes a call from Dylan. She sneaks off to meet him. Cliffhanger-ending.

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Coroner Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Jenny: Mrs. Kamau, would you tell m why you thought your husband would have been kidnapped?
Daraja: Do you know what my husband's job is?
Jenny: He's a Professor. He works with computers.
Daraja: No. He's a hero, who used computers to better connect marginalized communities in Africa. Not everybody was a fan of his mission. There were many threats. Then he gets invited here, to Canada, to come and teach idiot students how to replicate it.
Jenny: He sounds brilliant.
Daraja: He believed that sharing information was worth any price. Including abandoning his wife and his child.

Dr. Sharma: Make friends with the dog.
Jenny: But the dog is not real.
Dr. Sharma: Treat it like it is. Crouch down. Hold your hand out. Let it sniff you. Sense you're not a threat.